courage (3)

The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey



      Young man, what is the condition of your soul?  Do you have ‘good religion’?  No, I am not talking about ‘just going to church’.  I am speaking about having a firm relationship with the one who has bought and paid for the TRUE church with his body and blood—the Lord Jesus Christ.

      Now, at this point, there are those who will cry out that I am meddling in a topic that I should not tread.  Nevertheless, I will tread into this arena, for today,

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The Manhood Line: The Gold Files By Mike Ramey


     First, let me thank the publications, publishers, editors and—most importantly—the readers of “The Manhood Line” over these many years.  It has been a joy to put this column out (the flagship column for Barnstorm Communications International, by the way).  God has blessed this column to go from my home city of Indianapolis, Indiana around the world and back.  It has visited a variety of HBCUs and other college campuses. It has hit Tokyo, Japan.  It sipped tea in Rome, Italy.  It made its s

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The Courage To Change The World
(A Call To Action)
Charles E. Campbell

It is my Business! It is your Business! It is our Business!
Consciousness calls one to have the moral courage to “Square Up” against wrong and injustice. Let cowards be afraid, but not me! Not us!

Personal Responsibility demands the defense of the weak. I/We will defend our children from abuse, our women from bad love, the elderly from being victimized and our humanity from tyrants at home, in our community, our nation and

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