finance (3)


Managing Finances – What You Need To Know

Financial stability is the key to leading a happy and content life. It is not possible to live peacefully when you are always stressed about paying your rent and bills. It is important to learn to manage your money so that you do not have to worry about dealing with daily financial needs or even the emergencies. If you are not a good manager then no matter how much you earn, you will find yourself struggling. Good management will keep you away from a lot of stress.

There are several ways of knowi

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How Americans Were Duped and Sold a Pack of Liesjuly06leb_img_38.jpg(At left: Stacks like these have evaporated from circulation due to hoarding and concentration of cash by deep pocket financiers.)The assessment of the so-called Financial Meltdown and the gov’t “bail out” appears to be a constantly shifting premise. So we must continually strive to accurately sum up what is taking place amid the lies and spin. And while the search for the truth seems to be an endless, unrewarding task, we must keep two principles
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In 1991, the Soviet Union and communism collapsed and now with the severe contraction in credit markets, capitalism is in similarly deep trouble; and. Fuller's 1981 prediction about the demise of the world's power structures certainly cannot be good news for those who attended the 56 th Bilderberg meeting held June 5-8 in Chantilly , VA.The Bilderberger are believed by many to be the world's ruling elite, those who determine the world's direction—at least the western world's, as attendees are ov
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