sons (6)

The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey



      I wanted to extend a great big thank you to my own Father, who left this earth when I was in my early twenties.  He may not have had the opportunity to see his oldest son graduate from college (the first in the family to do so, back in the seventies) but the lessons that he instilled in me made it possible for me to cross that academic line—and do it DEBT FREE.  Some of the lessons he taught me are worth sharing and passing on to the next generation of fathers out there

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The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey



      One does not have to be a ‘rocket scientist’ to notice that the media narrative—even in our cartoons—contains a major league ‘erasure’ of father and son relationships.  This ‘erasure creep’ has been going on since the 1990s.  We’ve been treated to more ‘ink’ about the ‘woes’ of the WNBA, Women’s Soccer and female college athletics that the social engineers should be choking on the high levels of estrogen in the air.  Then, we have noticed the rise of strong female

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Gun Violence Begins at Home

Growing up in the 50’s and 60’s, all I wanted was to be
accepted for who I was – glasses and all, and look like my best girlfriend Susan. What I later learned is that it wouldn’t have mattered what I looked like, because most kids wanted to look like or be someone else.

While most of my friends had strict parents, I didn’t have any close friends (that I knew of) whose parents were verbally (or physically) cruel. I say that because as a kid we had parental permission to visit our close friends an

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3828563043?profile=originalCompeting for your son’s attention? Stop! Find someone your own age to rely on and release him from your servitude! You have had your son all of his life, and it is time for him to spread his wings and fly away from your nest. He’s 18 now. You’ve taught him how to take care of himself (cook & clean his clothes and the house), as well as select, treat and respect nice women right? So be NICE to his girlfriend when he brings her to your house. Don’t try to find some reason NOT to like her. His cho

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US book publisher John Wiley & Sons spies on employees like a secret service w/ C.I.A. methods; nobody controls the dirty spy merchant cum scientific publisher John Wiley & Sons!

Is the criminal versatile John Wiley & Sons publishing empire violating the right to privacy in the workplace under U.S. Constitution’s 4th Amendment as well as Chinese, German and EU privacy laws?

Yes, John Wiley & Sons (SOPA shark) commits felonies by secretly listening on employee conversations at the workplace. John W

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After my father's death I wrote a book title 'My Father Said"  It is a collection of many of the life lesson, traditions and beliefs my father shared with me.  You are about to read a letter from the book at the end of your life journey what would your son write about you?


When I was old enough to understand the logic that motivated my father, I realized how much he loved me.

My father never spoke the words, “I love you”, but every day my father told me: “I love you.” My father loved me enough to

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