fathers (7)

The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey



      Now that we are in the beginning of a New Year, I believe that it is high time that we stop relying on the ‘bad news’ of lack of fathers (and mothers) in many homes, and sing the praises of the fathers who are on the job, doing the job, and making headway against the winds of the worldly negativity which has wrapped our American society over the last several decades.

      Feminism may be a wicked culprit—but Satan has many tricks at his disposal!


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The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey



      I wanted to extend a great big thank you to my own Father, who left this earth when I was in my early twenties.  He may not have had the opportunity to see his oldest son graduate from college (the first in the family to do so, back in the seventies) but the lessons that he instilled in me made it possible for me to cross that academic line—and do it DEBT FREE.  Some of the lessons he taught me are worth sharing and passing on to the next generation of fathers out there

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The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey



      One does not have to be a ‘rocket scientist’ to notice that the media narrative—even in our cartoons—contains a major league ‘erasure’ of father and son relationships.  This ‘erasure creep’ has been going on since the 1990s.  We’ve been treated to more ‘ink’ about the ‘woes’ of the WNBA, Women’s Soccer and female college athletics that the social engineers should be choking on the high levels of estrogen in the air.  Then, we have noticed the rise of strong female

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The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey



      America—as well as other western cultures—have been feminized for quite a long time.  Here in the states, March has been ‘proclaimed’ as “Women’s History Month”.  Well, as one who is used to putting out fires with the blanket of truth, I’d like to remind us that someone of the WOKE crowd (Weirdly Obsessing Kooks and Evildoers) a few years back just ‘decided’ that they were hostile against “Black History Month” in February and came up with the idea to further attempt

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3828595836?profile=originalA new study suggests widely held perceptions about low-income and African-American fathers as not being involved in the lives of their children can be largely unfounded. Data collected over 15 years in Syracuse, New York, reveal that even in cases of incarceration or living under the federal poverty line, most low-income fathers stay connected to their children.

Robert Keefe, PhD, an associate professor in the University at Buffalo School of Social Work, and his colleagues analyzed data from five

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The Census Bureau honors “dear old dad” with a collection of demographic and economic statistics pertaining to Father’s Day.

The idea of Father's Day was conceived more than a century ago by Sonora Dodd of Spokane, Wash., while she listened to a Mother's Day sermon in 1909. Dodd wanted a special day to honor her father, William Smart, a widowed Civil War veteran who was left to raise his six children on a farm. A day in June was chosen for the first Father's Day celebration, June 19, 1910, procl

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American Thanksgiving: A Pure Glorification of Racist Barbarity

By Glen Ford                                                                                                                           Region: USA

Global Research, November 27, 2013               Theme: Crimes against Humanity, Culture, Society &

Black Agenda Report 26 November 2013                                                                       History

“The Thanksgiving story is an absolution of the Pilgrims, whose brutal quest f

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