psychology (2)


Why Do Black Women Hate Black Women?

The title of this video is "Why Do Black Women Hate Black Men?"
This video is a bit of departure from my usual uploads.  It's a bit raw and uncut.  A few days, I awakened from sleep and this question was piercing my awareness. "You are not married, why is that? Do you hate Black men?

I must say I was taken aback by this thought appearing in my awareness.  In fact it troubled me that anyone would think such a thing.

Typically, I am very meticulous about how I c
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Retrieving Resolution by La Vonda R. Staples

            Embracing difficulty can be one of the most torturous and the most facile experiment ever undertaken by a living being.  If you are dead inside you’re stagnant, stuck and sterile.  Production is not the proof of life as there are many productive people who are not settled, peaceful, or even content.  There are very successful people whose presence never gives an aura of bliss to their surroundings.  I beli

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