Got a LOT of great responses to the first part of this set. I wanted to keep it rolling with some of the ‘clips’ from the cutting room floor. Just remember, to start off each graph with ‘Ain’t It Funny That…
*…more and more well-known corporations are going broke changing their products into billboards for the alphabet mafia and are shocked, SHOCKED that the American public aren’t buying into their propaganda…
*…more young men are opting out of going to college and into trade schools…
*…the millions of dollars ‘shoveled into’ the pandemic have NOT been properly tracked…
*…the same Black women who didn’t give a Black man the time of day when they were on their way up NOW—when you’ve made it (and married wisely) want to brag at the class reunion how much of a crush they had on you ‘way back when’…
*…we have leaders in the Motherland of Africa who have told American diplomats to ‘take a flying leap’ on homosexuality and other devilish sexual sins—those abominations are NOT welcome in Africa…but Black politicians of the liberal hue in the USA are supporting such garbage here…
*…people post the most idiodic things online about themselves, and are shocked to find out that employers do a ‘deep dive’ into their social media accounts to determine whom to hire…
*…Black Lives Matter has been doing more harm to Black people than the KKK while consuming millions for themselves…
*…many Pastors must have the latest electronic ‘gadget’ in the pulpit, and still cannot preach their way out of a paper bag because they haven’t been convicted by their own preaching…
*…the same feminist and Title IX groups that pressured Men’s college sports to surrender scholarships to ‘help’ Women’s sports are stunned that their programs are being torched by the ‘girly men’ that the ‘feminist frankenettes’ have helped to birth…
*…Jesus Christ had no letters, and neither did most of the early Apostles; BUT many Bible Schools and Seminaries lust after being accredited because their faculty members lust after having letters after their names, rather than having Jesus in their hearts…
*…many of those associated with Antifa and other modern Socialist groups come from wealthy white families…
*…white people are hating on other white people and blaming their hate on people of color…
*…Black folk who have been supporting wayward Democrat politicians in Sanctuary Cities are protesting about the ‘unfairness’ of illegal aliens sweeping up the jobs and benefits in said cities…crickets from their elected officials, as you DO get what you vote for, folks…
*…officers of the NAACP are putting up a ‘travel advisory’ on a state where not only they live (Florida) but the SAME state where Black business start-ups rank #1 in the country…this coming after the ‘Spring Break’ kerfuffle where young people acted out with guns a-blazing…
*…many multi-million-dollar pro-athletes will not invest their monies in educating Black youth, but WILL invest their money in ventures to help corrupt Black youth…
*…Jim Brown gave to others and did NOT sell out during his pro career. He took the lumps for taking a stand…crickets for Colin Kaepernick and LeBron James who did little for others and more for themselves…
*…many of those who were held to be ‘essential’ when the pandemic raged on are the first ones mistreated and fired now that the pandemic is over.
*…how quickly the number of Black-owned newspapers have been corrupted by outside liberal groups with checkbooks to ‘plant’ propaganda in them aimed at keeping the Black community ignorant…
*…you can hold someone’s hand and help them through a crisis…and once the crisis is over and they are back on their feet, they lose your phone number and email addy…
*…Ozone action days come—amazingly—just AFTER cities have put on major racing events by NASCAR, IndyCar, and other auto racing associations…
*…more and more famous Black names are sounding off about the need to leave the Democrat party plantation as—once again—the Black voter is being taken for granted and have received nothing for their past voting loyalty…
*…many of the restaurants that begged customers to come back have raised their prices, reduced their staffs, and reduced their portions and hope you won’t notice…
*…multi-million dollar ‘talking heads’ expect you to feel sorry for them because they have gotten ‘let go’ from their cushy TV gigs…
*…some fact checkers have not mastered the art of spell checking…
*…much of the wisdom of our foreparents concerning how to make your way through life—even in crazy times like these—STILL rings true AND much of it comes from the B-i-b-l-e…
*…Climate Change warriors boast that they must fly in their own planes, to lecture the rest of us on a fake malady they have created just to get power, money and attention…
*…Lastly…hard work has become such a foreign concept to many—until the layoff notices go out…
Mike Ramey is a Retired Minister, KJV Bible Teacher, syndicated columnist and Bible Prophecy Specialist who lives in Indianapolis, Indiana. “The Quick Scan” is one of a variety of his columns appearing and abounding in print and cyberspace, written from a biblical, business, and common-sense perspective since 1996. To drop him a line—or a whine—the address is still the same: ©2023 Barnstorm Communications International.