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America's Hall's of Education Where The Separation of Church and State is said to have Wreaked Cultural Havoc for Generations
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"Re-Educating The Black Plight In America" This blog talk show is about a national movement for the post antebellum debriefing and healing of the unquestionable survingest culture on planet earth, the Black-American (a true identity) descendants of slavery. There is a way and we must embrace it now. Albert Einstein's definition of insanity was to keep doing things the same way and expecting a different result. Well, in America, a capitalistic nation, Henry Ford made popular the assembly line to replicate his cars. He made sure that all of his employees could afford to by his Model T first. Can anyone rationally relate this scenario to the plight of blacks in America? The corporate norm in America yet remain the same ideology. If it cannot be repetitiously duplicated it is of little to no value. Therefore, when we think about how blacks continually behave and react the same way does it not make sense as to why they never get anywhere economically? Consider how they repetitiously treat each other despite religion and beliefs that teach them otherwise. We shall discuss this insanity in order to build a renaissance platform to launch a national movement already in progress. Won't you join us? Peace, -Min. W.D. Patterson, a black clergyman and a social scientist of human geography
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Min. W.D. Patterson
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Min. W.D. Patterson
Min. W.D. Patterson
5/1/2010 7:02 PM
Tonight's 05/01/2010 LIVE RADIO BROADCAST SHOW has been canceled and will be continued next week on 05/08/2010. We do realize that many of the listening audience were looking forward to this particular show as a result of the previous week's show topic. Please accept our sincere apology? It will be all that much better next week. Tell a friend or two and remember to tune in. God Bless! Hosted By: -Min. W.D. Patterson, Seattle, WA USA
Min. W.D. Patterson
Min. W.D. Patterson
4/24/2010 10:00 PM
Your host, Min. W.D. Patterson is a clergyman and social scientist of human geography. I refuse to allow blacks to be left out of these mainstream American processes again as they have been so blatantly done in the past. In the past they were NOT REPRESENTATIVE of TRUE BLACK CULTURE and upward mobility interests. Next weeks show will feature: === Greetings: Please join us next week on Min W D Patterson's BlogTalkRadioShow International for a stimulating conversation on Education related to "The Lasting Impact of The Separation of Church and State," as well as, "How to Acquire The Department Of Education's Promise Grant" effectively into Black Communities across this great nation. I'd like to use our here in the NW Corner of the lower forty-eight states as a test model. Your thoughts and comments are welcomed? Join Us! Saturday, May 1, 2010 8:00PM PDT Your host Min. W.D. Patterson is a clergyman and social scientist of human geography. I refuse to allow blacks to be left out of these mainstream American processes again as they have been so blatantly done in the past. In the past they were NOT REPRESENTATIVE of TRUE BLACK CULTURE and upward mobility interests. Next week's show will feature: === Saturday, May 1, 2010 8:00PM PDT http://www.blogtalkradio.com/minwdpatterson CALL IN NUMBER: 347-857-1090 THOUGHT PROVOKING QUERY: 1.) DO YOU THINK America's children are entitled to the best that education has to offer in a global community? 2.) DO YOU THINK Your children are entitled to the best that education has to offer in a global community? Our Guest Hosts Will Be: -Robert Cotton, Environmental Health Perspectives -Bishop Edwin Peete, N.W. Community Leader -Don Rivers, Candidate for U.S. Congress 7th District Washington State -Dr. Naomi, Educator Extraordinaire === Are we there yet? 'Sho 'ya 'Rite. I'd love to have you as one of my guest hosts to further delve into the information that you shared with me on tonight's show. The American policies that promoted and enforced the intentional exclusion of Blacks and Indentured Servants as early as the 1619 "Maryland Doctrine of Exclusion," 1638 policies of the same magnitude, and The 1665 Slave Laws. We will use these as tools for educating the masses. Especially our black brothers whose behaviors surely reflect the repressive mindsets inflicted upon our forefathers and inherently projected into today's black populous while being fueled by systemic "White Privileged" attitudes and like mindsets. Yes, there's work to be done and the choice does not belong to us as to whom will do it. It's everyone's responsibility now. In next weeks show I will share with the listening audience the reason this involves everyone.
Min. W.D. Patterson
Min. W.D. Patterson
4/17/2010 9:07 PM
4/17/2010 *** (08:02:20):Welcome to the Min. W.D. Patterson Chat Room. Min. W.D. Patterson says (08:02:30): Greetings: Min. W.D. Patterson says (08:03:19): This show has been canceled due to an emergency situation. Please accept our apology and tune in next week at this same time? God Bless! Min. W.D. Patterson says (08:06:45): You will instead hear a pre-record dialog about a number of different subject matters. No calls will be taken. Feel free to tune in next week with your questions and comments. MariahMitchell says to (08:24:50): My prayers are with you... Min. W.D. Patterson says (09:00:40): Thank You and God Bless!
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Min. W.D. Patterson
Min. W.D. Patterson
4/10/2010 9:09 PM
John T. Wills Says: We have experienced tremendous attention and growth over the past several months, both nationally and internationally, becoming the fastest growing radio show on the air and we thank you for your support. It has become necessary for us to extend an opportunity to someone interested in joining us as we reach new heights. We are looking for someone with vision, media background (but not required), contacts, great communication and technical skills who is computer savvy to assist us with PR, logistics, and administrative support as we continue this mission that is an Empowerment Revolution!!! If you are interested send your information to author@justaseason.com with a phone number. In addition, we are seeking guests for future shows. If you would like to be a guest on the BLACK EMPOWERED MEN Radio Show please visit our Official Webpage and send us your bio, website, topic, phone number and/or other contact information. You can also contact any of the hosts or email your info to author@justaseason.com. We are currently scheduling shows for the summer months. www.blackempoweredmen.com We would greatly appreciate you’re telling your friends and invite them to join the BLACK EMPOWERED MEN GROUP PAGE to also be part of this EMPOWERMENT REVOLUTION!!!
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Min. W.D. Patterson
Min. W.D. Patterson
3/26/2010 9:38 PM
2010 New Partners PowerPoint presentations are now available! From: Michele Warren (lgc@lgc.org) Medium riskYou may not know this sender.Mark as safe|Mark as junk Sent: March 26, 2010 4:02:32 PM To:rehab_counsel@hotmail.com Dear 2010 New Partners Conference Participant: The Local Government Commission (LGC) is pleased to announce that PDF files of nearly all of the PowerPoint presentations given at the 9th Annual New Partners for Smart Growth Conference in Seattle ARE NOW AVAILABLE ON-LINE! Thank you for your patience while we worked hard to get these files converted and posted. Unfortunately, the process took longer than we planned and for that we apologize. Please note that not all of the speakers at the conference used PowerPoint for their presentations, and some speakers did not give us permission to post their presentation. Use the following link to access this exciting new smart growth resource: New Partners PowerPoints If you presented at the conference using PowerPoint and you do not see your presentation posted, please contact me at mkwarren@lgc.org. We may not have been able to collect your presentation on-site, but we would be happy to post it if you forward it to us as soon as possible. Additionally, if you are interested in ordering audio files of the conference sessions, they are still available for purchase. Visit: HMR Recordings, Inc Thank you again for participating in the conference! Mark your calendars to plan to attend the 10th Annual New Partners for Smart Growth Conference, to be held February 3-5, 2011, in Charlotte, NC!
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3/13/2010 8:29 PM
Minister Patterson may grace and mercy continue to keep you....wishing you infinite success JustAskkim
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Min. W.D. Patterson
Min. W.D. Patterson
3/11/2010 8:30 PM
The truth is like a double edged sword. When it cuts out, it also cut back in the direction from which it came. Guess who gets cut last? Let us remember when we lash out at others who are different than us we only affirm our own infidelities and shortcomings. -wDp
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3/10/2010 5:02 AM
The Third Letter of John preserves a brief glimpse into the problems of missionary activity and local autonomy in the early church. In contrast to the other two letters of John, this work was addressed to a specific individual, Gaius. This letter is less theological in content and purpose. The author's goal was to secure hospitality and material support for his missionaries, and the Presbyter is writing to another member of the church who has welcomed missionaries in the past. The Presbyter commends Gaius for his hospitality and encourages his future help. He indicates he may come to challenge the policy of Diotrephes that is based on evil gossip. The problems of the Presbyter in this short letter provide us with valuable evidence of the flexible and personal nature of authority in the early church. The Presbyter writes to Gaius, whom perhaps he had converted or instructed, on the basis of their personal links. The brothers have also confirmed him as a loyal Christian in action and belief. Gaius accepted the missionaries from the Presbyter and presumably will accept Demetrius on the Presbyter's recommendation. In contrast, Diotrephes refuses to receive either letters or friends of the Presbyter. Although he is portrayed as ambitious and hostile, he perhaps exemplifies the cautious and sectarian nature of early Christianity; for its own protection the local community mistrusted missionaries as false teachers. Most interestingly, Diotrephes seems comfortable in ignoring the requests of the Presbyter. The Presbyter seems to acknowledge that only a personal confrontation with Diotrephes will remedy the situation (3 John 1:10). The division, however, may also rest on doctrinal disagreement in which Gaius and the other "friends" accept the teaching of the Presbyter, and Diotrephes does not; the missionaries are not received for suspicion of theological error. Diotrephes has thus been viewed by some as an overly ambitious local upstart trying to thwart the advance of orthodox Christianity, by others as an orthodox church official suspicious of the teachings of the Presbyter and those in the Johannine school who think as he does, or by still others as a local leader anxious to keep the debates in the Johannine community out of his own congregation. This brief letter and the situation that it mirrors show us how little we know about some details of early development in the church: schools of opinion existed around which questions of faith and life were discussed, and personal ties as well as doctrine and authority played a role in what happened amid divisions and unity.
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3/10/2010 4:26 AM
Then I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven wrapped in a cloud, with a halo around his head; his face was like the sun and his feet were like pillars of fire. 2 In his hand he held a small scroll that had been opened. He placed his right foot on the sea and his left foot on the land, 3 3 and then he cried out in a loud voice as a lion roars. When he cried out, the seven thunders raised their voices, too. 4 When the seven thunders had spoken, I was about to write it down; but I heard a voice from heaven say, "Seal up what the seven thunders have spoken, but do not write it down." 5 Then the angel I saw standing on the sea and on the land raised his right hand to heaven 6 and swore by the one who lives forever and ever, who created heaven and earth and sea 4 and all that is in them, "There shall be no more delay. 7 At the time when you hear the seventh angel blow his trumpet, the mysterious plan of God 5 shall be fulfilled, as he promised to his servants the prophets." 8 Then the voice that I had heard from heaven spoke to me again and said, "Go, take the scroll that lies open in the hand of the angel who is standing on the sea and on the land." 9 So I went up to the angel and told him to give me the small scroll. He said to me, "Take and swallow it. It will turn your stomach sour, but in your mouth it will taste as sweet 6 as honey." 10 I took the small scroll from the angel's hand and swallowed it. In my mouth it was like sweet honey, but when I had eaten it, my stomach turned sour. 11 Then someone said to me, "You must prophesy again about many peoples, nations, tongues, and kings." 7
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3/1/2010 10:35 PM
Minister Patter. Peace and blessings. Thank you for stopping by my show yesterday. It is alway s a pleasure to have you in the sandbox. Your love and support truly means the world to me.
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3/1/2010 6:20 AM
Stopping by to Salute...Such a pleasure hearing you speak to the issues on Quite Storms show last night.It is encouraging to now Kings still exist... Respect Light Love=Peace doctor emah sarah Much Love for all you do for the Universe...
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Min. W.D. Patterson
Min. W.D. Patterson
2/28/2010 11:49 AM
Kim Cordy "JuskAskKimShow" & Recipients: As I've often said to you we did not choose the jobs that we do but rather were chosen. Many of us were chosen against our Will which sooner or later mostly sooner succumbed to the mighty Will of God Himself. What I've said is that, 'My support for you and what you do to help all people especially the downtrodden black populous must continue unceasingly despite any odds!' And, there will be odds without doubt due to the fact that the devil has a job to put down and takeout whatever is not of His devise. The latter is our validation for success through perseverance. You keep on 'keepin our peops up on the positive note! At least the ones who have enough faith, sense, and courage to continue listening and supporting a great Woman of God such as your incredible-self. The same holds true for all the other unmentioned or unaddressed comrades who are in receipt of this very note also! Yours In Christ Jesus, -Min. W.D. Patterson OutReach Ministries, USA P.O. Box 30505 Seattle, WA 98113-0505 WWW.BLOGTALKRADIO.COM/MINWDPATTERSON ~"the work goes on in the mission of setting all of the captives free . . .," Words of Uplift & Encouragement Should Find A Common Place Amongst The Troops
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Min. W.D. Patterson
Min. W.D. Patterson
2/27/2010 10:16 AM
Dear MsQuietStorm: Thank you for the invite. I will add your show to my calendar for Sunday afternoon. Where are you broadcasting from geographically? Dual reply to rehab_counsel@hotmail.com please? Please feel free to tune into my show this evening at 8:00pm PST at www.blogtalkradio.com/minwdpatterson and tell a few friends. The topic is all about "The Black Plight In America (copyright pending)" which primarily focuses on anything to do with the upward mobility of the Black Male, a seemingly complex issue made simple. The culture is explored indepth relative to policies that have not only shaped the black males behaviors but everyone with whom he has to come into contact with. Hope to see you there? God Bless! PeaceOut, Min. W.D. Patterson OutReach Ministries, USA P.O. Box 30505 Seattle, WA 98113-0505 in reply to: You are cordially invited to join MsQuietStorm and her special cohost Carolyn Russell for an education and informative discussion surrounding domestic violence issues. This month's topic: The History of Domestic Violence and the Battered Women's Movement. Date: Sunday, February 28, 2010 Time: 4:00 pm PST, 5:00 pm MST, 6:00 pm CST, 7:00 pm EST URL: www.blogtalkradio.com/msquietstorm Call in: 646-595-4523 We look forward to seeing you there. Peace and Blessings MsQuietStorm
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HOK Productions
HOK Productions
2/20/2010 7:25 AM
Hotep Great King, Life, Health, and Strength to you always!
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2/8/2010 10:44 PM
Thank you for tuning in we asked you to continue to visit our broadcast.
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Min. W.D. Patterson
Min. W.D. Patterson
2/6/2010 9:24 PM
Your host Min. W.D. Patterson is a participant in this year's 9th Annual New Partners for Smart Growth Conference now in progress through Sunday 2/7/2010. This conference is organized and sponsored in-part by the Local Government Commission (LGC) out of Sacramento CA. The attendance thus far has been a record nearly 2000 people from all over the nation. Working together for Equitable Development: Voices and Lessons from Environmental Justice and Smart Growth. The participant list is available. I refuse to allow blacks to be left out of these mainstream American processes again as they have been so blatantly done in the past. Even though there were black speakers and participants in the past they were NOT REPRESENTATIVE of TRUE BLACK CULTURE and upward mobility interests. Next weeks show will cap some of the topics and experience that I had during the five day conference and discuss why it happened like it did for me. Tune In!
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Min. W.D. Patterson
Min. W.D. Patterson
1/24/2010 5:43 AM
The Geography of Social Injustices In America http://groups.blackplanet.com/TheGeographyofSocialInjusticesInAmerica
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Min. W.D. Patterson
Min. W.D. Patterson
1/23/2010 9:13 PM
Thanks to those who chose to tune in, listen and support the flagship episode of this BlogRadioTalkShow by Min. W.D. Patterson focused entirely of the "Black Plight In America." Be sure to tune in next week same time same place. Hopefully we will have expanded our broadcast time to at least 1 hour. God Bless!
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MinWDPatterson On BlogTalkRadio International
Re-Educating The Black Plight In America This blog talk show is about a national movement for the post antebellum debriefing and healing of the unquestionable survingest culture on planet earth, the Black-American (a true identity) descendants of slavery. There is a way and we must embrace it now. Albert Einstein's definition of insanity was to keep doing things the same way and expecting a different result. Well, in America, a capitalistic nation, Henry Ford made popular the assembly line to replicate his cars. He made sure that all of his employees could afford to by his Model T first. Can anyone rationally relate this scenario to the plight of blacks in America? The corporate norm in America yet remain the same ideology. If it cannot be repetitiously duplicated it is of little to no value. Therefore, when we think about how blacks continually behave and react the same way does it not make sense as to why they never get anywhere economically? Consider how they repetitiously treat each other despite religion and beliefs that teach them otherwise. We shall discuss this insanity in order to build a renaissance platform to launch a national movement already in progress. Won't you join us? Peace, -Min. W.D. Patterson, a black clergyman and a social scientist of human geography