step (3)
In the Divine Names of TRUTH, ORDER & in HARMONY with ALL of our RIGHTEOUS Elders & Ancestors, I greet you in PEACE. Brothers, we are currently existing in an artificial reality where it is Common practice & Acceptable to Disrespect Black Women, Black Family Life, Culture & Community; in public and private. As Black MEN; not the misguided black MALE, grown up juvenile delinquent mentality & behavior; But Righteous and Responsible Black MEN. It is our DUTY, RESPONSIBILITY & R
All people, all over the world, throughout history have shared in common the fact that they belong to a culture of origin. That is a universal reality. Another equally important universal reality is that there are many, many different cultures in the world and each of them is unique. The uniqueness of a culture is what gives specialness to its members. The members of a culture are bonded together by their shared culture, which gives them a sense of collective identity. "We are |