The Brotherhood is on the the move once again, this time for our new 2014 Summer/Fall session which will begin in July.STEP Rites and Manhood Development Organization is now accepting applications for registration with special emphasis on young black men between the ages of 5-16yrs..of age.Persons interested in registering a young future leader please contact as at:S.T.E.P(973)
VOLUNTEERS NEEDEDWe need concerned people, volunteers that are serious about the wellbeing of young Black men and who can identify with the mission to educate,motivate and liberate the minds, bodies and spirits of our youth.There is plenty of work to go around!If you are willing to assist with the "RAISING OF MEN", please reach out to us ASAP to get on board.We can be reached at:Striving Together Equals Progress Inc.P.O. 22192 Newark , N.J. 07101call: (973) 842-8212e-mail us at step_incnj@yahoo.comTo volunteer online go to:MAKE A MUCH NEEDED DONATION..We Need Your Assistance..
The STEP Youth Organization is tried and true to the cause of raising young Black men. We have been in existance for 14 yrs now and know that the formula we have drafted and applied in developing young Black men can and will continue to have a meaningful impact if given the opportunity, this though your collective financial support.If you would be willing to make a tax-deductible contribution towards this mission of developing our youth and the building of our future, please make checks or money orders out to:S.T.E.P. Inc.
And send to:
P.O. Box 22192
Newark , New Jersey 07101______________________________________________________________________You can also make a donation on line by going to:
______________________________________________________________________See us on Face Book at:
Striving Together Equals Progress (STEP), Inc.S.T.E.P. is a Rites of Passage and Manhood Development Organization based in Newark, New Jersey.... Preview by Yahoo For more information on S.T.E.P. go to : http://steptothefuture.orgThe S.T.E.P. organization meets every Friday from 5:30—9:00 pm.___________________________________________________Afrikan proverb“If the children are not initiated into the village, they will burn it down just to feel its warmth."
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