Razor, is an actor, singer/song writer & producer from Miami, FL. As a producer, Razor has quite an impressive resume producing tracks for both local up-and-coming artists as well as some of the industry’s hottest names including Ice Berg, Rick Ross, Brisco, Gunplay, Camron & Freeway. He has also scored for the Movie "Percentage" and "House of Bodies" for Flava Unit. As a singer/song writer he is set to release The A.S.A.S.N. E.P, in 2018 leading with the Hip-hop/R&B singles "Bootyful" & "Nobody
county (4)
The War of the Gods:
Hurricanes, Fires, Earthquakes, Tornadoes, Volcanoes
Initially, I was going to read to you a report on Hurricane Irma. The energy around what is happening in our world has my heart aching. Then I received this message and I want to share it with you.
This video: https://youtu.be/02y2PCVPLoQ
I think these hurricanes are the false flag terrorism. While every one may have been expecting some rag wearing jihadist to blame it on, we have millions of people impacted by weather wars,
NB Commentary: Hmm, he got 31 years... I guess you could call that easy if you ain't going to jail. And you definitely don't know about jail house justice when it comes to killing women, rapists and pedophiles.
He probably plea bargained so he wouldn't get life, but 31 years may as well be life. It could very well be about race, but for some reason, I don't get the sense it is. And at risk of sounding like an apologist, some stuff is just what it is. He plea bargained, he got his mom off end of s
August 26, 2010
Raynard Jackson
I was honored to be asked to be the moderator for the Maryland Black Mayors, Inc. (MBM), county executive forum for Prince George’s County, MD (see picture above). Prince George’s County is the wealthiest predominately Black county in the United States. It is considered a suburb of Washington, DC.
They represent over 700,000 citizens and manages approximately $ 2.2 billions annually. They are a 501 (c) 3 organization with the goal of promoting efficient and responsiv