criminal (2)

NB Commentary: Hmm, he got 31 years... I guess you could call that easy if you ain't going to jail. And you definitely don't know about jail house justice when it comes to killing women, rapists and pedophiles.
He probably plea bargained so he wouldn't get life, but 31 years may as well be life. It could very well be about race, but for some reason, I don't get the sense it is. And at risk of sounding like an apologist, some stuff is just what it is. He plea bargained, he got his mom off end of s
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You're introduced to the illegal hustle
by a demon who don't trust you
just pimpin you
ready to bust some lead in your temple
If you don't follow out the commands of initiation
Do you know where your going to?
In this dark situation?
and across the nation
innocent black boys and girls are getting shot now
we're an endagered species - it's gotta stop now.

Your no criminal - Look in the mirror your a miracle

Don't let the external burn you
it's just an illusion
no body gets out
the streets. Its a we

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