bill (22)

                                                              LIKE SARAH PALIN, BILL COSBY JUST keeps 3828512496?profile=originalon talking. He has shown up yet again with more comments lately on cable news, and on the lucrative lecture circuit, continuing to malign and slander African Americans (witness his latest middlebrow, psychobabble Walmark book, "Come on, People: On The Path From Victims to Victors" another mediocre tract contemptuous of real socio-political causality and of real material conditions faced by Afric

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Goats in Sheep's Clothing, Honey!

An elder student in my African American Lit course during a recent class meeting uttered the words, "Goats in sheep's clothing, Honey!" meaning those persons (including those Black persons we all know) whom you might expect to support justice and liberation and human freedom (those who even claim that they do) and yet actually support the status quo, the ruling class, and the power structure as is.right: Bill CosbyShe ought to know about that. She's an elder, has life experience, and has seen ev
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