The 2009 National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America (N'COBRA) Conference will be in Dallas, Texas, June 18-21, 2009, at the Mt. Tabor Family Life Center, 3700 Simpson Stuart Road, Dallas, Texas 75241. I will be there because registration is only $60, and I got a cheap plane ticket (USAir) out of Philadelphia for $246 roundtrip! For more information call:214-723-6030.With the new strategic tactics of a post-racial America the Reparations Movement must make a course correction and return to the public square with our dialog and demand for reparations for the world to hear. Obama is on the record against reparations, but I believe it is purely political, not intrinsic. Therefore, like the drum, our voice in the public square will come at him with the context he needs to respond to our demand... this will be the foundation leading to the Reparations Accord for Blacks in America within the next 10 years. If he doesn't hear us, he has no basis as the President of all the people of the United States to change his political position.This will be N'COBRA's 20th Conference. Let's keep on! Let's put the reparations movement on auto-pilot at every level of social and political engagement throughout the world and continue the "in the meanwhile internal repair" to strengthen our hands to do this good work.In a previous blog post here on the BlackList is a recent letter to Mrs. Michelle Obama as an example of "auto-pilot" action. Everyone must do some communication/direct action with the White House. We don't have to say the same thing under the same banner. We must say a lot of different things under a lot of different banners, in what ever city we live,however, we must demand the same outcome: Reparations via a Reparations Accord! This will set the context for negotiations with the "enslavers-in-perpetuity" (U.S.Congress, Religious Organizations, and Corporations).Lest we forget, our ancestors were stripped of their human identity, defined out of the human family, and did not participate in framing the terms and conditions of their/our freedom in the Emancipation Proclamation, nor the 13th, 14th, and the 15th Amendments to the Constitution. This is the reason why our people have no equal standing, agency,nor political capacity. This dark bargain of America's past must be made right. We must be at the table this time!