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The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey



     Pastor Timothy Flemming, Sr. preached a great sermon during the wee days of 2023 entitled: “The Upward Look”.  One of the bellringers of the message concerned our frequent desire to ‘look back’ in our lives and spend an ungodly amount of time fretting over what has already been done.  “You have to let the past—pass!” Pastor Flemming urged his Atlanta, Ga. Congregation.

     This is sound wisdom. Too many of us let the past pull us back.  It doesn’t matter if it happened yesterday

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The Bible Economics Line by Mike Ramey

“God’s children run home when the storm comes on.”

--Charles Haddon Spurgeon


     Here is an absolute of life:  God allows rain to fall on the just and the unjust (Matthew 5:45 KJV).  To be a card-carrying member of the human race means that bad times and bad things are going to happen to each of us, simply because of the fallen condition of man.  The difference between the Christian and the unbeliever?  The Christian has God to lean upon.  The unbeliever—no matter how talented or resourceful--do

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