negro (5)

Stages of Negro/Black History

by Adib Rashad ~

  Esteemed scholar, Earl E. Thorpe believed that Negro/Black history was so
exciting he had no interest in researching any other subject. He wrote a
book, titled Negro Historians in the United States which traced three
schools or stages of thought as it related to Negro or rather Black

The first school or beginning school of Black historians were the actually
the first to engage in Negro/Black history writing. Their purpose was to
dispel the myth of Black inferio

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A True Blackman
Robert Acemendeces Harris


If, as the new saying goes, "truth is [really] on its way" then, perhaps, Black People can finally also be back on their way. Which way? The way out of all of the confusion, contradictions and cultural degeneration that has retarded the liberation of our people these last few years. 

Truth is not an abstract, it refers to sincerity, honesty, conformity to fact, correctness, exactitude, et cetera. Carlos Cooks was truth personified.

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3828523027?profile=originalEl  pasado Lunes 31 de enero a las 9:00 a.m. se inauguró el X Diplomado de la Escuela de Formación de Lideres Afrodescendientes en Derechos Humanos  se contó con la presencia de distinguidas personalidades, P.M. Venancio Sabio, Gobernador Político de Atlántida, Abogado Juan José Arita, Comisionado Regional de los Derechos Humanos, Ingeniero Alfonso Vásquez, Director Regional SERNA y Zulma Valencia, Vice Presidenta de ODECO.

Este primer módulo que lleva por nombre Presencia Afrodescendiente en la

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Un pueblo a la luz de la oscuridad

Giunëur B. Môsi – Barûle Gazette

En los Estados Unidos existe un sinnúmero de culturas viviendo bajo una
misma frontera. Culturas de diferentes países si no de todas las
naciones europeas, asiáticas, africanas, oceánicas, y por supuesto de
las naciones del resto del continente Americano.

En el pensamiento general Norteamericano, a los originarios del
continente europeo se les considera de manera unánime caucásicos; a los
asiáticos, orientales; a los del medio oriente, árabes; a los africanos,
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The Makings of Modern Mis-Education

By Ezrah Aharone:

Dr. Carter G. Woodson, the father of Black History Month and second Black PhD to graduate from Harvard, wrote the acclaimed The Mis-Education of the Negro way back in 1933. In the 1940s, psychologist Kenneth Clark’s “Doll Test,” demonstrated that Black children were being psychologically conditioned to yearn and favor the looks of White people at the expense of self-dislike. His critical findings were cited during Brown vs. Board of Education when theSupreme Court desegregate

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