marcus garvey (2)

0e1fc6_c15d37557dc143b3a255ac7d57c67a38~mv2.webpPhoto Credit: The Universal Negro Improvement Association

Marcus Garvey was a Jamaican-born black nationalist who created a 'Back to Africa' movement in the United States. He became an inspirational political activist, publisher, journalist, entrepreneur, and orator whose ideals pre-figured the later Civil Rights Movement. He founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) with chapters established beyond the borders of the United States to the Caribbean, Canada, and Africa.

Garvey bel

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bRunoko Rashidi ~

  Four days ago I returned to the United States from a week long trip to 
Harare, Zimbabwe where I was a guest of UNESCO and the Government of 
Zimbabwe.  The purpose of the visit was to help prepare curriculum content 
and a teacher's guide for the teaching of history in African public schools.  
The goal is to complete the project within the next eighteen months.  

The UNESCO gathering was a wonderful experience and a big honor, although the 
African Diaspora itself was n

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