inspirational quotes (2)

0e1fc6_c15d37557dc143b3a255ac7d57c67a38~mv2.webpPhoto Credit: The Universal Negro Improvement Association

Marcus Garvey was a Jamaican-born black nationalist who created a 'Back to Africa' movement in the United States. He became an inspirational political activist, publisher, journalist, entrepreneur, and orator whose ideals pre-figured the later Civil Rights Movement. He founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) with chapters established beyond the borders of the United States to the Caribbean, Canada, and Africa.

Garvey bel

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As my first blog post of 2021, or as I refer to it as 2020, the Sequel, I chose to borrow words that will spark change. The Faux Coup attempt by the Orange Megalomaniac, carried out by "Vanilla Isis & Y’All Qaeda" was ABSOLUTELY foreseeable. Not only was it predictable it was ALLOWED. We witnessed police and politicians actively participating in the invasion of The Capitol.

We've seen what they are going to do. More attempts to bring down Olympus are sure to follow. There is no sigh of relief t

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