juba (12)


International Dialogue on State-building and National Development in South Sudan
Convened by the African Research and Resources Forum (ARRF) and the Centre for Peace and Development Studies (CPDS) at the University of Juba, Juba, South Sudan

September 23- 23, 2011

Foreign policy options for the Government of South Sudan post self-government.


There is a tendency in Sudan studies especially in the South, to see issues exclusively from the internal perspective, which is understandab
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SUDAN: Abyei under threat of invasion

Namibia’s relations with South Sudan go back to the period of armed
struggle. We do not have the all the information, but we do know that
the Late Dr John Garang and Namibia’s Founding Father Sam Nujoma, were
friends, probably due to their shared experience of liberation
struggle. We also know that Namibia’s SWAPO government sent weapons to
the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) and that one consignment was
seized on landing in Mombasa by the Kenyan Government of Arap Moi. The
next consignment reach

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*SUDAN AND THE ‘BORDERLANDS’ – AREA STUDIES IN AFRICAN AND DIASPORA HISTORY* by BF BANKIE mailto:bfbankie@gmail.com Paper delivered at the international colloquium ‘Teaching African history and culture to the Diaspora and teaching Diaspora history and culture to Africa’, held in Brasilia, Brazil, 9-13th November 2009, convened by CBAAC, PANAFSTRAG, Nigeria and The Special Secretariat for the Promotion of Racial Equality (SEPPIR) of the Government of Brazil, Brasilia, Brazil. ‘The linkage of A
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BF BANKIE:Lt Gen Joseph Lagu (Rtd), who led the Anya-nya, the freedom fighters of South Sudan, in their fight against the Arab-led Khartoum government, in the first stage, which ran from 1955 to 1972, of the recent phase of the armed struggle , from 1983 to 2005, states in his book ‘ Sudan – Odyssey through a state – From ruin to hope’, quoting from The Anya-nya Manifesto, on family and ethnicity, as follows :-The enemy is waging a war of annihilation against us; he wantsto destroy us completely
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Many find it difficult to accept the root causes of the last phase of the protracted war in South Sudan , which ran from 1955 to 1972 and from 1983 to 2005. In order to establish the causes, the book of Lt Gen Joseph Lagu (Rtd), entitled ‘Sudan – Odyssey through a state – From ruin to hope’ is drawn upon. The key to understanding Afro-Arab relations, past and present and the relevance of South Sudan is found in the reasons for the conflict.Lagu, who is alive and well, spending a good part of his
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A synopsis of the paper- ‘The experience of Africans under Arab colonialism and its antithesis’, delivered at the International Colloquium at the State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 11-13 November 2008, on the theme, ‘Teaching and propagating African history and culture to the Diaspora and …’The key to understanding Afro-Arab relations, past and present and the relevance of South Sudan to the future, is found in the reasons for the conflict in South Sudan of 1955-72 and 1983- 2005. The C
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US donate $40 million for Sudan Election

ANNE US VISIT FETCHES US$40 millionby Opoka Christopher Amanjur,extract from page 9 of The Juba Post, 18-23 September 2008, Juba, South SudanThe American government has donated 40 million dollars to meet the requirements for conducting a successful election next year. Dr Anne It to explained that the money is to be channeled through credible organizations and other United Nations agencies.‘The Bush administration will hand over Southern Sudan to the next government as they found it, and we appre
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FALL – OUT FROM THE WRIT ISSUEIt is now possible to evaluate the repercussions from the announcement by the International Criminal Court (ICC) of its intentions to seek to issue a Writ against the President of Sudan, Omar Hassan Al Bashir and others. After the news was released Khartoum immediate reaction was the issue of threats of dire consequences for Darfur, the Comprehensive Peace Ageement (CPA) etc. The landing rights for UN flights into Khartoum were suspended with humanitarian consequenc
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A CASE FOR AN INDEPENDENT TRIBUNAL FOR FINAL RECONCILIATION-Government of South Sudan (GOSS) rubs salt in 1992 scars - by Opoka Christopher Amanjur.Page 8, Juba Post, http://www.k2-media.org/jubapost/go/index.phpJuba, South Sudan, 3-7 July 2008A failure on the part of the Government of Southern Sudan (GOSS) and the Sudan Peoples Liberation Movement (SPLM) has cast further doubt as to the legacy if the victims of the 1992 slaughters of innocent officers of the Prisons, Wild Life, Police and Army
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FROM THE BORDERLANDS: Nkrumah and continentalismextract from The Citizen published 27th May 2008 in Khatoum and JubaOne of the persons who influenced the generation of leaders who lead their countries once self government was obtained, was Nmadi Azikiwe, who later became President of Nigeria. From 1925 to 1934 Azikiwe was a student and teacher at African American colleges and Universities in the USA, during which time he absorbed the anti-racist African American tradition.From 1934-7 Azikiwe was
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FROM THE BORDERLANDS:Africa unity or unity of Africansby B.F. BankieHaiti provides a classic study in the use of race as a social determinant in the 1600s. The large plantations were owned by ‘grand blancs’ - that is by Whites. Below them were the ‘petit blancs’ – those were White clerks and artisans. Then came the mulattos/coloureds, some of whom were better-off that the ‘petit blancs’, but they had no political rights. Further down the social scale were the Black former slaves, now freed Black
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UNITY MPs QUIT SPLM POLLSby Mayen Benson,cover page of The Citizen,Khartoum/Juba, Wednesday,30th April 2008Key political players in Unity State walked out during a historic formation of the SPLM State Congress, a top official has said.The boycott was to protest the Govenor’s decision ordering Sudan Peoples Liberation Army(SPLA) forces to surrender Karasana and Aliny (Higlig ) areas to Arab Meseriya after a tortuous meeting with Southern Sudan authorities on Monday.Mabek Lang, the Commissioner of
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