diop (3)


International Dialogue on State-building and National Development in South Sudan
Convened by the African Research and Resources Forum (ARRF) and the Centre for Peace and Development Studies (CPDS) at the University of Juba, Juba, South Sudan

September 23- 23, 2011

Foreign policy options for the Government of South Sudan post self-government.


There is a tendency in Sudan studies especially in the South, to see issues exclusively from the internal perspective, which is understandab
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At 8:02am on October 15, 2010, Agnes Johnson said…

Philadelphia—On October 13 the movement for social justice throughout the world won a critical victory for the democratic rights of African people, oppressed and freedom loving people everywhere when Diop Olugbala, International President of the International People’s Democratic Uhuru Movement (InPDUM), walked out of his sentencing hearing in a Philadelphia courtroom with two years probation. He could have been sentenced to up to ten years in
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Zahi Hawass courtesy, nationalgeographic.com

Cheikh Anta Diop courtesy, L'Evenementwww.evenement-bf.net/pages/culture_86.htmWe get so anxious as Black people, Negroes, Coloreds, Nekkros, African Americans, "African-Descended Peoples", Diasporic Tribes, "Children of the Diaspora" or whatever you wish to call us. We as a diasporic people are all of that, and more, are we not? About identity, we are so easily spun off into Cartesian circles of confusion, conflict, doubt, anger, recrimination, and sh
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