gentrification (6)

Is Gentrification The New Manifest Destiny?!

Michael-T.-Mathews_1313835.jpg?width=450By Michael T. Mathews | Manifest Destiny, What is it? Manifest Destiny was the 19th-century belief of the colonists that the expansion of the US throughout the American continents was both justified and inevitable. Colonists believed that it was God's ordained wish that all of North America from ocean to ocean, including Mexico and Canada, soon belong to them. This was used as justification for US Domestic Policy towards the Natives while moving west. It was used as justification for violently s

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3828591099?profile=originalCITY BUZZ LOCAL BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT - Black Woman Starts First Black-Owned Crowdfunding Platform

Buy The Block - A Space for People to Invest In Real Estate with Their Peers

Having successfully launched Buy Black Economics (the World's Largest Digital Info Product Store dedicated to Black Businesses,) as well as other enviable movements, Lynn Da is excited to announce the creation of Buy The Block, an initiative that will allow groups and individuals to pool funds, share knowledge, vote on p

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Current events, and the general unrest of the times, call for radical change. The following points provide practical and necessary steps for a new and positive existence for us today and for future generations.

1. As Black People we take full responsibility for the economic destiny of our communities and nations.

2. Black persons and Black institutions (especially the Black Church) join together as Members in a large-scale Cooperatively Owned Business Enterprise to pool our resources.

3. This Coope

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Gentrification for Blacks

Darrin-Jackson_333339.jpg?width=350By Darrin Jackson |  This article is to define a problem we already know exist; everyone talks about it although nothing is every done to change the current state of affairs for African Americans. The problem I refer to is financial inequality. We march about unfair treatment of children in schools; we march about the death of our unarmed children at the hands of law enforcement, we march, we march, we march. Allow me to enlighten my brothers and sisters, do you think any change ever in America

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It Ain't about Class, It's About Colonialism:
Gentrification 2013 Style --
White Hipsters Invade Bed-Stuy and Put Petite Bourgeois Buppies out of Business
A quick history of Bedford-Stuyvesant before we fast forward to the present.  In the 1940s, the black population of Bedford-Stuyvesant expanded rapidly with the extension of the A Train rapid transit line from Manhattan into Brooklyn. Billy Strayhorn composed Duke Ellington's  signature tune  "Take the A Train" circa 1941 and the lyrics, which c
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Berkeley, CA  Oakland City Attorney John Russo in his recent plea to implement a Gang Injunction in Oakland's Fruitvale District hastily used the recent criminal charge of Attempted Residential Robbery upon Fruitvale resident and named Gang Injunction defendant Anthony Garcia.  In their latest arguments in support of why Oakland needs another Gang Injunction,  Garcia's arrest was used to help sway Judge Robert Fr

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