byrne (3)


Huffington, ABC Latest To Mislead Voters On Carol Moseley Braun's Campaign - They Did It to Harold, now on Carol


One of the first community organizers to work with Barack Obama in Chicago for over 20 years. Now Associate Editor of The South Street Journal Newspaper and 37 year activist/journalist, recently selected as 2010 Who's Who In Black Chicago. 312-624-8351 or 773-392-0165

The Huff
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Yesterday the three leading Black candidates for Chicago Mayor met to discuss the possibility oftheir uniting around one, and while other Black leaders did not publicly respondwith any specific scenario to shape a united front, I am glad that I DIDpublicly offer one and STILL it was the best scenario to ADD to the Blackpolitical base and not lose ANY hard fought Black political seniority at theState and Federallevels.

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Why Carol Moseley Braun Should Be The New Consensus Candidate From The Black Community -- If Saving Black Political Seniority and  Making New Black Political History Are Factors

Last week on radio station WVON several Black political analysts and journalists and the three leading Black candidates were asked to discuss a scenario that would make one of them the stronger candidate by which the other two could unites around, yet no one actually produced a real scenario to consider, so I am putting f
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