black power (2)

3828590023?profile=originalBy Jitahadi Imara | Though misunderstood and misrepresented by the media and its opponents, the 1960s Black Power movement touched every aspect of American culture, and like the "New Negro" Movement of the 1920s, African Americans came of age, becoming self-determining and racially conscious. Black people- sharecroppers, unionists, welfare and tenants rights organizers, students, intellectuals, poets, musicians and singers and politicians-grounded in the ideology of Black Power, began to organiz

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On Tuesday, July 12th, the People’s Organization for Progress (POP) will host its annual memorial rally to observe the 44th anniversary of the epic 1967 Newark Rebellion!


The rally will take place at 5:30pm at the Newark Rebellion Monument located on Springfield Avenue at the intersection Irvine Turner Blvd and 15th Avenue. It will feature presentations by area activists and surviving family members of the Rebellion’s casualties.


On July 12, 1967, Newark erupted in a rebellion against the sc

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