amendment (2)

MSM%2Bvs%2BAltNews.png?width=320NB Commentary:  If it's so fake, and so unbelievable, then why don't they simply ignore it?
Why do so many so called "real news" outlets feel the need to spend so much time lambasting so called fake news.
They have relegated themselves to the likes of in an effort to cover up PizzaGate scandal.  They have reported the debunked aspects of this story while ignoring the real indications and the real connections.

They are also telling out right lies, which is no
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Hello All:

I am forwarding a copy of a petition sent to me and other signatories, urging (insisting) that the Supreme Court reverse their so called "Citizens United" law, which makes it possible for corporations to contribute to political campaigns as though they were individual human beings, instead of entities in perpetuity.

Below is my cover letter, the link to the petition, and an article from the online publication, Reader Supported News.  Read it, sign the petition, pass it on to all your co
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