academia (2)


3828608412?profile=originalWhether you are writing short stories, articles, poems, plays, or novels, keeping a side journal for the project is a valuable tool for developing ideas as seen In the blog series "Aesthetics & Metaphysics"

Many people who write for a living, live to write and write to live. Writer's Block is often the product of trying to force ideas and notions into a coherent, linear pattern often causing the writer to get lost in their own ideas. One excellent writers tool is the a

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A member of popular soul band The GroovaLottos, and internationally renowned arts and cultural educator introduces an innovative, guerrilla- style YouTube talkshow on Wednesday nights at 7pm.

Social Topics - Arts - History - Culture - Education - Black Studies - Indigenous Studies - Music - Life... sums up what you'll see on the new weekly Youtube broadcast, simply called "". The popular arts and culture blog will now come to life via Youtube. The program concept: a video es

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