
Huffington, ABC Latest To Mislead Voters On Carol Moseley Braun's Campaign - They Did It to Harold, now on Carol


One of the first community organizers to work with Barack Obama in Chicago for over 20 years. Now Associate Editor of The South Street Journal Newspaper and 37 year activist/journalist, recently selected as 2010 Who's Who In Black Chicago. 312-624-8351 or 773-392-0165

The Huffington Post-Chicago section today reported that Ambassador Carol Moseley Braun has not aired one single TV Ad for her campaign while in fact THREE TV Ads of the campaign have been released and have been running for two weeks on several TV stations on Chicago CAN-TV Network with the capacity to broadcast to all of Chicago citizens just like the major commercial TV stations can. In order for Braun to win, she must reconnect her campaign to the grassroots voters who have felt that no major campaign really try to cater to them and they are ignored, so it was and is plus for the Braun campaign to first invest their funds to the very grassroots voters and Black voters she needs to turnout for this election that is being held during Black History Month and on the very day February 22nd that Chicago's first Black Mayor was elected. Since Braun's campaign does not have the multi millions of dollars that Rahm Emanuel or Gery Chico have been spending on the commercial TV stations with their TV Ads, then it made sense for Braun to take advantage of still being able to reach hundreds of thousands of Chicago viewers who watch the stations on The CAN-TV Network.
The Huffington writers/editors showed a clear bias against Braun by publishing today that Braun  Campaign has not released a single TV Ad when three such TV ads are running, and that Huffington also received copies of when they were released. I have sent Huffington request requesting that they clarify that they only consider TV Ads as legitimate if they are bought on Commercial TV stations, while the stations of the CAN-TV Network can reach the same viewers from grassroots constituencies that Braun needs.

With all the history surrounding this February 22nd election and with a 42% Black population in Chicago, it was hard to believe that Chicago's ABC7 News station would release a new poll that alleges that Rahm Emanuel is the overwhelming choice of Black voters and that Braun campaign received just 6% support. Just a couple of weeks ago Braun was polling at over 20% in a WGN-TV/Chicago Tribune poll, and since those TV spots have been running, along with a radio campaign on Chicago's WVON mobilizing for Braun, more people have been joining her e-mail database, coming in to her volunteer offices across the city, and then with that momentum comes this ABC7 poll saying the exact opposite. Its is clear to me you get an absolute difference in polling based on who the pollster calls, and I can assure you that Richard Day was not calling the thousands of people tuning in to the WVON "Harold To Carol" Black History Month mobilization shows, or they did not call the thousands of voters who have been watching her TV Ads that have running on the stations on the CAN-TV network or the hundreds of thousands of Chicago voters getting weekly e-blasts from the Braun campaign and from other social media services..

These major news agencies are showing their clear bias against Braun, for whenever a grassroots news report shows momentum for Braun, it receives NO ATTENTION yet when there is something negative about Braun. Huffington and ABC jumped at the opportunity to now portray Braun's campaign in the worst way and to keep elevating this unbelievable and unbeatable status of Rahm Emanuel, who I guess must receive some major media rewards for the millions that he is pouring in to the commercial media. I guess it is embarrassing for Rahm not to be receiving better poll results after weeks of TV ads with President Obama and former President Clinton.

You would think that in a majority Black city and a majority of women registered voters that there would be more talk about whether or not Black voters will use the symbolism of the exact date of Chicago first Black Mayor being elected on February 22nd to make Black history again during this Black History Month election and elect another Black Mayor -- Or if Chicago's majority female population want to use this election to elect another woman Mayor since Jane Byrne.. You will see no such focus by Huffington, ABC or any of the mainstream media because those two scenarios would add to the momentum for another politically historic election of Carol Moseley Braun, but the media historically shown their biases against the election of Harold and they show it today with their bias against Carol. But Carol, like Harold can still win and make history for women and Blacks during this Black History Month and on the date that elected Harold and Carol.

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