The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey



      I stopped by one of my favorite local fast food restaurants a few weeks back, put in my order and made my way to the pay window.  The employee on the window asked me if I would like to ‘round up’ the price of my purchase to the next highest dollar to ‘help out’ the favorite charity of their fast-food chain.

      I chuckled and said: “Only IF the money goes to the employees.”

      Well, the crew on duty had a good laugh.  I got my correct change, and my order, and drove away—still puzzled by the ‘round up’ request.  A few weeks after this, I stopped by another fast-food restaurant and got the same request for the charity of THIS restaurant.  I made the same comment, got a good laugh—and left with my purchase and my correct change in my pocket.

      For a good long time, I’ve been trying to figure out a great way to describe ‘Bidenomics’:  The economic malaise created by Democrats because they ONLY know how to ‘tax and spend’ for THEIR favorite ‘social programs’ while getting the public to ‘feel good’ about working three jobs and making less in their paychecks because taxes and expenses keep on going up, while wages go down.  I couldn’t quite put my finger on what to call the quick economic downturn that this nation finds itself—until I heard the question: “Would you like to ‘round it up’?

      Bingo!  And, just that quickly, a new economic term was born!

      Of course, many of today’s folks are too young to remember the economic catastrophe caused by Democrat President Jimmy Carter.  Gasoline shortages.  Electricity restrictions.  Home mortgage rates were above 20 percent.  American hostages held for weeks by our middle eastern enemies.  It was a pure mess.  The Clinton and Obama years, when those Democrats were in the White House weren’t much better.  However, with a complicit mainstream mess (mainstream press) and American education system ‘revising’ the bad times they created right out of the history books, you would think that it was ‘great to be IN a recession.’

      Yeah, great for them—lousy for you.

      Democrats—and their supporters LOVE getting the public to pay for their pet projects under the guise of how ‘good’ your money will help someone (or something) else.  Money for wind farms (your taxes go up along with your electric rates).  Jobs and housing for illegal aliens flooding our borders (you get to work harder—that is IF you have a real job could some of the illegals come live with you)?  In urban areas, Teacher’s Unions—run by social justice Democrats—want more money so Black and Brown kids can get LESS in the way of an education (Oh well, they can get a job coding)!

      You catch my drift on this.  And, to further add insult to injury, many of the wealthy elite BACK Democrat and liberal candidates who are working hard to transform America into Cuba without apology.  Many liberals who have made millions and billions off the hard-working citizens of this country in legitimate ventures are taking their money and backing Democrat (and some Republican) candidates who will hook-them-up with cheap labor and generous write-offs of business and social morals.  Oh yes, and ‘round up’ your job so that it no longer exists.

      When you are struggling to put gas in your car, food on your table, and working three part-time jobs to come up with one salary, your misery has been ‘rounded up’.  You’ll have a chance to change the ‘rounders’ at the polls, very soon!  And, if you like plenty of nothing, don’t vote in November.  Nothing is what you will have in a city near you.

      Mike Ramey is a Retired Minister, KJV Bible Teacher, syndicated columnist and Bible Prophecy Specialist who lives in Indianapolis, Indiana.  “The Quick Scan” is one of a variety of his columns appearing and abounding in print and cyberspace, written from a biblical, business, and common-sense perspective since 1996.  To drop him a line—or a whine—the address is still the same:  ©2024 Barnstorm Communications International.

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Rev. M. G. “Mike” Ramey (Retired) served as the Certified Modern Street Gangs Specialist & Media Consultant of “The Gang Line”. He had been interviewed in the U. S. and abroad on radio, television, and Internet about the dangers of Modern Street Gangs since 2007. His writings on Modern Street Gangs abound in print and online. Previously, he served as an award-winning broadcast journalist, producer, and TV/Radio talk show host. He has also served as a staff writer, section editor, and syndicated columnist. Ramey has won—or helped to win—some two dozen journalism awards and citations. He also holds a Police Citation for Citizen Bravery from the Indianapolis Police Department (1986). Ramey is also married, an Ordained Minister (Retired) and a KJV Bible Teacher.

Ramey is a Certified Modern Street Gangs Specialist with Certifications in Law Enforcement (2006), Non-Law Enforcement (2010), and Gangs & Cults Ministry (2017). He also has endorsements in K-12 Gang Issues and Transnational Gangs. He also carries Specialist Ratings in Cult/Occult Crime, and Transnational Human Trafficking. Ramey has also served with several International anti-gang ministries, including of Washington state (2004-2009), Thug Exposed Ministries of California (2010 to 2015) and Bishop Outreach Ministries of Florida (2010 to 2015).

In 2011 “The Gang Line” offered training and certification coursework for those interested in becoming certified Modern Street Gang Specialists: Training approaches the anti-gang ministry field through the combined use of spiritual (biblical principles/discipleship) and criminal (gang members and gang crime). From 2015-2017, Ramey served as an Advisory Board Member for the School of Criminal Justice at Harrison College, Indianapolis, Indiana, with a specialty of Organized Crime & Gangs. From 2017-2019, Ramey served as a Bible Teacher to at-risk detained juvenile offenders at the Marion County Juvenile Detention Center with his own Bible-based Curriculum centering upon Biblical Life Skills taught from the Book of Proverbs.

Rev. Ramey’s skill set includes having been a veteran substitute teacher (Secondary Education), a college instructor for two Bible colleges in the Indianapolis, Indiana area, a Probation Officer (Intensive/High Risk & School-Based) with the Marion County Juvenile Court, and a peer grant reviewer of anti-gang grant programs with the U.S. Department of Justice (2010). He also created, designed, and taught the course “Modern Street Gangs: Developing Urban Ministry Strategies—UM-190” at Crossroads Bible College, Indianapolis, Indiana (2009 & 2010). In 2013, Ramey served as a post-production Consultant for Chick Publications’ national anti-gang comic: “Black Angel”. It was translated into Spanish in 2014.

Ramey has written extensively on the topic of Modern Street Gangs with two Internet columns: “The Gang Line” and “The Gang Line Blogger” which abound in cyberspace. In a post-pandemic society, the motto of The Gang Line still rings true: “Spiritual Solutions for Spiritual Problems!”

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