I am writing this column during the political season. Politics is something that should interest a young Black man because of the stakes that are involved. Further, it is wise that you begin to understand the political process of this nation while you are young and of a sober and keen mind. Black folk helped to build this country and are owed a debt FROM this country in the way of reparations. Thus, I would advise any young Black man to know and understand the US Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence, along with speeches by Booker T. Washington, Frederick Douglass, and other Black men who helped to shape this nation’s political, economic and spiritual foundation through the course of time.
It will fall to your generation to secure the Reparations due to our people as my generation has helped to pave the way. This fight is FAR from over!
To begin this capsule of political education, first, there are two major political parties—the Republican party, and the Democratic party. The Republican party tends to be more conservative, has been—historically—better at foreign policy, national defense, and constitutional rights. The Democratic party—historically—has been better at domestic policy, larger government and an increase in government spending along with hikes in corporate and individual taxation. While we do have third political parties, at the national and state level they tend not to have that much in the way of political clout, but ‘may’ make a difference between which major political parties win public offices at the national and state level.
I would also advise any young Black man to understand the differences between the political parties, the political candidates and—as soon as you are of age—to register AND vote in each election, whether it be primary or general. I realize that there are some young people who are too ‘busy’ to vote and may see the electoral process as a ‘waste of time’. Don’t you be one of them, my young brother. As I used to tell my students when I taught school: “If MORE of you would register and vote when you hit 18, you would be able to have a voice in who sits on the School Board AND could make things better for future students at your school. Power ONLY respects power. The School Board ONLY listens to students who are registered, show up, and VOTE!”
Thus, my young brother, I would urge you to—at sometime during your middle and high school years to take a course in Civics, Government, US History and/or Parliamentary Law. The first three courses will give you a grounding in how this nation was founded and how it functions under the rule of law. The fourth course will give you the necessities as to how laws are written, how to run committee meetings, and how to sharpen your public speaking and writing skills.
Oh yes, also during your high school years, find some time to volunteer to work the polls at least during one primary or general election. You will see who the REAL soldiers are of either political party…the poll workers. Without them, you would not have honest elections.
Getting back to business, Parliamentary Law will provide you with another ace up your sleeve. Very few people understand how to conduct committee meetings. Governments function on some type of rule book. Roberts Rules of Order is THE book that legislative bodies use as a foundation to formulate THEIR rules. It is also the rule book that is used to run meetings of your school’s Student Government. My advice? Start early in understanding Robert’s Rules of Order. It will bless you down the road.
I realize the study of government and American history may seem a mighty waste of time. One will be spending a lot of time reading some dry books or doing a lot of online research covering long ago dates in the formation of this country. I’ll let you in on a little secret; understanding how this nation was founded as a nation with Christian principles and precepts will give you more of an appreciation for this land you live in—and it will give you the right fire in the belly to vote, upon reaching your 18th birthday…and beyond.
There have been many attempts by our mainstream ‘mess’ and social media outlets to ‘downplay’ the successes of this land. One thing the ‘naysayers’ seem to forget is that people are still killing themselves to come to America to start a new life. If you want to develop a real appreciation for the land you live in, my young Black brother, spend a few months in a foreign land and study how their economic, political, religious and social systems are established.
And, what rights—or lack of rights—the citizenry of that land are allowed to practice.
Someday, you may decide to run for political office yourself. With all this understanding of the history of this country, you will be a better candidate, right out of the gate. If you are a Christian, I would spend a LOT of time in prayer and KJV Bible reading about running for public office. Not everyone is suited for a life in politics. However, IF this is where the Lord wants to go, you will have someone in your corner (that being Jesus Christ) who will watch out for you, through thick and thin. Be aware that, over the last 12 years, we have seen a major shift in ‘traditional’ politics—meaning that past ‘political thought’ has been thrown out the window because of political corruption, the rise of the Internet, and the use of social media. However—I quickly add this proviso: the personal touch and personal contact will STILL carry a candidate far! People have gotten so used to being bombarded with electronic ads and soundbite newscasts that a candidate who has solid speaking and writing skills will do very well.
Two quick things; the first—don’t be ashamed of your religion and background. The second—make sure that you do your best to stay crime and scandal free, but IF you sin, confess and repent of it to God and you won’t have to ‘duck and cover’ so much when the media comes pounding on your door.
A solid background in history, finance and civics will serve you well in many career paths. Further, it will be something which will serve the Lord’s people. Politics is a calling, a noble calling! It’s what you do to build up your foundation in faith and education that will bring you to the point of being a true servant of the people—instead of the other way around.
Of course, there is one other item to prepare you for academic and political success, and that is studying foreign languages. There are five international money languages, in no particular order, besides English, and they are: Spanish, French, German, Japanese and Chinese. Having a grounding in one or more of these languages will serve you, down the road. An added plus is to study some of the languages from the motherland of Africa! It would put you that much further ahead of your classmates. Learning Swahili, Yoruba, Igbo or Fula would be a fitting bridge of you to that portion of the world and would remind our people of where we came from, and how we could rebuild our communities to be upright, instead of uptight.
Ramey’s Recommended Reading for the Month: Black Political History: From the Arch of Safety into the Mouth of the Lion by Ken Raymond, based upon letters and speeches of Frederick Douglass.
Quote of the Month: “It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.” –Frederick Douglass.
The alarm for adulthood goes off at 18 and there is NO snooze button! --Mike Ramey
Mike Ramey is a Retired Minister, KJV Bible Teacher, syndicated columnist and Bible Prophecy Specialist who lives in Indianapolis, Indiana. “The Quick Scan: A Success Primer For Young Black Men” is one of a variety of his columns appearing and abounding in print and cyberspace, written from a biblical, business, and common-sense perspective since 1996. To drop him a line—or a whine—the address is still the same: mgmikeramey@yahoo.com. ©2024 Barnstorm Communications International. With this 12-part series on the major issues of manhood, we are celebrating 2024 as “The Year of the Young Black Man.”