One of the overriding themes of this series is that the mainstream mess—including social media—makes its bones putting forth bad news. Good or uplifting news is not valued by those who oversee editing and putting forth the ‘agenda items for the day’. Instead of informing the public (as American media outlets ‘used’ to be about) the media is all about indoctrinating the public to support their agenda—not yours.
And, because of the money—their support of the most devilish of sins—or both, those who stand for God, the KJV Bible and plain ol’ morality are seen as the enemy. Here’s the bottom line: Those who are members of the ‘alphabet mafia’—whether they are in sports, social media, politics, education, or social influencing & entertainment—are pushing a sinful agenda against men and they want the majority to bow their knee at their altar and say that they are right at being wrong. I believe this sums the whole homosexuality (sodomite), transgender (transvestite) and overall sexual perversion industry of our modern day in a nutshell.
As my father used to say: “Don’t fall for the okie-doke!” In other words, don’t be quick to agree with someone who is hell-bent (and hell-bound) and wants you to sign off on their ignorance. Sexual sins are nothing to joke about. Those types of sins are the ones that God—in the scriptures—holds to be the most destructive to man. It is no accident—from a prophetic standpoint—that the attacks on men have gotten worse every year. Now we have arrived at the ‘decade of perversion’ where a small minority of God-hating individuals have made their sins public and delight in trying to ‘lure’ right-thinking people into their web of satanic deception.
How are men supposed to counter the toxic lies against true manhood? First, stand your ground and face the storm, confident that the truth WILL win out, and your enemies will eventually be swept aside by the God who created you. Yes, you WILL lose friends, property, jobs, freedom or—at the most extreme—your very life. Best die for the truth that live a lie.
Second, make sure you have a firm relationship with God through Jesus Christ and trust that He will ‘steel your spine’ and strengthen you for the battle ahead. God gave Ezekiel a ‘forehead as hard as flint’ so he could stand against the liars and perverts of his day as he stood forth AND proclaimed the truth. Brothers, when liars come our way, it is far better to stand with God. As the old folks used to say: “Noah went into the Ark a minority…and came out a majority!”
Lastly, don’t be ‘shocked’ by the actions of fools in an open society. If you are familiar with Bible Prophecy, the scriptures note that the days may be dark but stand with the light. Be who God created you to be—no matter the cost! Let the fool die in their own pride! Not YOU!
Mike Ramey is a Retired Minister, KJV Bible Teacher, syndicated columnist and Bible Prophecy Specialist who lives in Indianapolis, Indiana. “The Quick Scan” is one of a variety of his columns appearing and abounding in print and cyberspace, written from a biblical, business, and common-sense perspective since 1996. To drop him a line—or a whine—the address is still the same: ©2023 Barnstorm Communications International.