"Taking Charge of Your Positive Direction"
by J. Bert Freeman
What you say today can impact your life tomorrow. Your choice of words can move you in a direction towards or away from effective personal and professional relationships and you are in charge of that choice. Positive direction means that the words you speak consistently steer you toward the successes or outcomes that you want or need with others. In this book, J. Bert Freeman identifies the impact of choosing positive direction and shows you skills and approaches that you can use right away to build those important personal and professional relationships. Compiled from numerous skills and approaches called CONSISTENT POSITIVE DIRECTION™, this book reveals the power of direction in verbal interactions.
CONSISTENT POSITIVE DIRECTION is described as speaking, writing, learning and impacting reality toward the achievements, results, accomplishments or outcomes that you want. These skills and approaches came from years of learning, developing and teaching ways to interact successfully with others, when what you have to say really matters. Chapters 1, 2 and 3 of this book, will provide you with the core know-how to use Consistent Positive Direction in any situation. Learn the art of Verbal POSITIVE APPROACH, the sentence-to-sentence core skills which help you to stay consistent.
In subsequent chapters you learn that the power in using these skills goes far beyond adjusting words and sentences; it reaches to the depths of human interaction. For example, chapter 3, "Above the Clouds–The Positive Directions of Your Attitude", coaches you on how to express any attitude in a positive direction however you feel. You learn how your abilities for respect, listening and learning have a powerful impact on taking your attitude "above the clouds". Chapter 6, "The Essentials for Interaction", consist of approaches you can use to move things forward and get things done. You will see how CONSISTENT POSITIVE DIRECTION connects to research that shows your abilities to influence future successes. Chapter 8, "Whole Brain Positive Direction", examines how to use our differences and similarities in relationships and learning, based on our brain tendencies. The titles of chapters 9, "The Power of ME" and 10, "How to be Tough Using Positive Direction Stuff", speak for themselves and delve into managing expectation, effort, and esteem (chapter 9) and exercising endurance, persistence, insistence and consistency (chapter 10) all in a positive direction.
Among the skills and approaches that are expressed in this book, some are called "Power Options". Power Options are approaches for many of the verbal and written encounters that you have in your life. Many of them connect to what you already know. With the infusion of CONSISTENT POSITIVE DIRECTION, they are connected to human experiences, stories and observations. Hence, you will encounter a number of approaches that are titled with acronyms or phrases such as ‘Inside RAPPP’, ‘TOLL Free Openness’, ‘TALKEASE’, ‘LEAPS and REAPS’, ‘The Silent Mentor’, ‘EPIC Toughness’ and more. There are over 165 Power Options. Those that are included in this book expand your readiness for forward movement, resolving differences, finding solutions, building relationships, and making change work more easily, all in a positive direction. You will be able to use what you learn immediately, the core and advanced approaches to handle personal and professional relationships with genuineness and success. You will be equipped for Taking Charge of YOUR Positive Direction, now and for a lifetime.
Learn skills and approaches you can use
…when what you have to say really matters
What we say today can impact our lives tomorrow. Our choice of words can move us in a direction towards or away from effective personal and professional relationships and we are in charge of that choice. Positive direction means that the words we speak consistently steer us toward the successes or outcomes that we want or need with others. In this book, J. Bert Freeman identifies the impact of choosing positive direction and shows us skills and approaches that we can use right away to build those important personal and professional relationships.
J. Bert Freeman has been facilitating, coaching, lecturing and instructing organizations and individuals in different areas of organization development, personal performance,leadership and diversity since 1982. He is a graduate of the U. S. Naval Academy with a B.S. in Engineering and Golden Gate University with an M.S. in Human Relations.As CEO of T.A.L.K. Associates, he leads a team of facilitators who are experts in various fields. Bert is a native of Philadelphia, a former Olympic fencer and U. S.National Champion.
Get the book:
"Taking Charge of Your Positive Direction"
by J. Bert Freeman
Available in both paperback ($24.99) and hardcover ($32.99)
at http://www.positivedirection.ne
at Amazon.com
and Barnesandnoble.com (hardcover only)
T.A.L.K. Associates P. O. Box 9605 Newark, DE 19714
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