societies (2)

NB Commentary: I attended a predominately white high school and college. Them white folks loved to say they were French, German and Italian mixed. They knew their mother's lineage and their father's. They would tell you that before they would even say "American". They were proud of their heritage even if they had been here four or 5 generations. Some of them knew their names before they changed them to more Anglo names, particularly the Polish, Russian and Germans.

What happened to Africans was t
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If humanity is to be saved from that self-destruction, there has to be a better distribution of the wealth and technology available on the planet. Less luxury and less squander in a few countries so that there is less poverty and less hunger on a large part of the Earth." (Applause)

Today, the struggle for the defense of life today must indisputably include the necessity of abolishing the capitalist system with its lifestyle an

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