raoul (3)



Is Illinois 26th District a "Pay To Play" District? Insider Political Fundraiser Candidate Being Chosen Over Proven Grassroots Candidates In Filling Burns Vacancy?



Is the Illinois 26th District a "Pay To Play" Seat Now?? I just got a call that a candidate from the University of Chicago who has raised money for Barack Obama, new 4th Ward Alderman Will Burns, State Senator Kwame Raoule and many of the Committeemen voting and other politicians in the district is being chosen to fill th
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Norman Bolden is a former award winning radio executive at radio station WGCI and currently a local proprty owner which includes ownership if the new popular banquet facility called Room 43, and again it appears that Norman Bolden is planning another run for Alderman of the 4th Ward. Friends of Bolden began to call around and let his poosible plans be known to run again, after a headline story appeared on the front page of a major Hyde Park newspaper which featured what many viewed as a sure thi

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Norman Bolden is a former award winning radio executive at radio station WGCI and currently a local proprty owner which includes ownership if the new popular banquet facility called Room 43, and again it appears that Norman Bolden is planning another run for Alderman of the 4th Ward. Friends of Bolden began to call around and let his poosible plans be known to run again, after a headline story appeared on the front page of a major Hyde Park newspaper which featured what many viewed as a sure thi

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