This piece was initially written as an email to two Elders who have often bemoaned the lack of unity that we as African people have demonstrated over these many generations since the Ma'afa (a Twi word meaning "great disaster", used by Pan-Afrikan historians and activists to describe the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, the Arab Slave Trade, the Scramble for Africa and the suffering African people have endured as a result). I meant it as a helpful response to their question (which was probably rheto
pan-afrikan (2)
We Who Like It Hot Call It ‘Black August’ (Revised version)
By ‘bro. zayid’*
It is the month when our oppressors have nothing to celebrate.
It is the month where the nature of our oppression and the boldest expressions of our resistance to that oppression have been made most plain.
We who like it hot call it ‘Black August’…
As a concept of resistance, Black August has its beginnings in the mid 70’s with the prison justice movement. It was inspired by the courageous legacy of Black Panther pr