fast (2)


What are our eating habits? How prepared are we for emergencies and disasters? What 3828604383?profile=originaldetermines repair protocols? What is a killer source of stress.

In the latest episode of, Mwalim visits the drive-tru, talks about an observation of the practices of the power company in making repairs after a storm and the need for people to be prepared in case of a storm. With his guest, Eddie Ray Johnson of The GroovaLottos, they discuss the deadly effects of the "John Henry Complex" and

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by Gloria Dulan-Wilson

It should come as no surprise, given their other attempts at undermining President Barack Obama and the 99% American citizens, that the sitting Rep-ugh-blicans would find some bogus reason for finding Attorney General Eric Holder in "contempt" of Congress. But, since this is probably the most "contemptible" Congress since the overturning of the Jim Crow laws under the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Holder may well wear it as a badge of honor, as opposed to one of disgrace.

We who
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