daley (5)



The Rev. Al Sharpton calls Mark Allen "One of Chicago's  legendary political activists"


MARK S. ALLEN, Daily News Blog/Commentary

CHICAGO MAYOR EMANEUL MUST INCLUDE "ALL" BURGE LAWSUITS IN SETTLEMENTS, including those filed by former Chicago Corporation Coun
sel James Montgomery, Wallace "Gator" Bradley and others !!

by Veteran Political Activist Mark S. Allen


Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel must settle "all" Burge lawsuits, including the most r

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Not since Eugene Sawyer succeeded the late Harold Washington has there been an African American Mayor of Chicago.  The announcement by Mayor Richard M. Daly that he will not seek re-election after two decades in office would seem to open the doors for a well-positioned Black candidate to recapture the keys to City Hall. Though Rahm Emanuel, former Chief-of -Staff for President Obama, is seen as the front-runner, it would appear that an Afri

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Mark Allen says that Ronald Holt received a "symbolic" appointment as new CAPS head and must overcome how Daley & Weis' decisions set him up for failure

MARK ALLEN TALKS -- Ronald Holt Must Overcome Chicago Mayor Daley's "Symbolic" Appointment as new Director of Chicago's community policing program

I called Ronald Holt and congratulated him on accepting the appointment by Chicago Mayor Richard Daley as the new Director of the C.A.P.S. (Community Alternative Policing Strategies) program, and how he

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Chicago Not Prepared Locally To Deal With Terrorism Or Emergency Evacuations - Downtown Maybe, Neighborhoods NO !Local tourist sites and highly populated neighborhoods are not prepared for the type of emergency situations like the bomb threat in NY. Out of all the people that the media and ofificials have had to thank, they excluded the grace of God. Had it not been for the grace of God, the street vendors would not have had the time it had to notify police and their response had it not been for
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The Chicago Tribune recently had a forum hosted by WVON's Cliff Kelley, and there were no major headlines in the days after the forum, like many others that have put any kind of dent in the continued rise in Chicago Violence. Is one reason that major media seems to make more of the headlines of calling in the National Guard than they do to local community groups who have identified solutions "on the ground" that could truly help stop the rise in Chicago violence, shootings, and killings. It's no

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