This is going to be one of those columns that you will not only want to hang onto, but you will also want to pass on to your sons—and even grandsons—because it will contain some truths that SHOULD be taught in school. Unfortunately, these truths are often ‘caught’ through real life experience, Amen?
A few summers ago, I had the opportunity to teach at a Vacation Bible School (VBS) Institute. I was blessed to host a course on “Introduction to Bible Prophecy” aimed at a younger crowd. The course was scheduled for a week, and I only had ONE student for the entire time: a 14-year-old brother who was anxious to learn about Bible Prophecy and how to share his faith. There were other classes offered for young people on less ‘biblical’ topics…more aimed at having the teens have ‘fun’ in VBS rather than learn scriptural things that would help them later in their Christian lives.
As motivational speaker Les Brown would say, my student was HONGRY to learn about the KJV Bible and the nuts-and-bolts of his faith in Jesus Christ. He was serious and I pulled no punches in the classroom.
The week went by quickly and it was time for the final night, where a student from each VBS class had to give a presentation before the entire church to show what they had learned. My student put his peers in the more ‘fun’ classes to shame—AND their teachers, too! As a matter of fact, the young man’s presentation was so powerful and to the point on what he had learned about the Lord and Bible Prophecy that his grandmother JOINED that church! WOW!
N.B.T.L.—Nothing But The Lord!
What was the cost? Well, I lost some preacher friends—including the preacher who invited me to teach at his church in the first place. To my student, he lost some of the older teens as friends—probably in the short term. Both of us learned the following: When you are seriously pursing something to improve your life for the better—whether it be the Lord, building a company, or strengthening your marriage—there WILL be those whom you may think be going the same direction WITH you, who will drop off your radar like a hot brick! In short, as you are willing to make that climb to the next level, you will lose those ‘pretenders’ who are content to be with you on the ground—but NOT when you make the climb up the mountain of challenge.
Count the cost (Luke 14:28-30 KJV)! You don’t see this in your daily training my friend, unless your textbook is the Scriptures. Yes, you want to date that young woman, get better grades, or get ready to build a company or career. You may have a large crowd surrounding you, shaking your hand or patting you on the back as you announce your intentions. However, as you decide to get out your ropes, spikes, and gear to make the climb up to seek your objective, do NOT be shocked that, as you look back, most of your send off party have disappeared. Further, when you DO make your objective and become successful, the crowd of those who are willing to celebrate your achievement will be smaller than the crowd who are willing to criticize you.
The critics—by the way—will not be bashful, as you are successful, to ask you for money as tribute to pay for them NOT to complain against you!
We have two choices in life. Either we are going to ‘play’ our lives to the pretenders and seek their approval, or we are going to follow the path and dreams that the Lord has laid out for us and possibly meet some new friends and supporters on the way up to face EACH challenge.
Yes, it will hurt to see those whom you thought were ‘your best friends’ drop off your rope to settle for a life of mediocrity. In an unsettled world, it is best to NOT settle among the critics and complainers. Realize that IF you want more out of life; more of better instead of bitter, you are going to have to be willing to make the climb up to better AND count the cost of making that climb. Don’t think about what you have lost; focus on what you will gain IF you decide to be serious about bettering your life—and the lives of others.
Mike Ramey is a Retired Minister, KJV Bible Teacher, syndicated columnist and Bible Prophecy Specialist who lives in Indianapolis, Indiana. “The Quick Scan” is one of a variety of his columns appearing and abounding in print and cyberspace, written from a biblical, business, and common-sense perspective since 1996. To drop him a line—or a whine—the address is still the same: ©2024 Barnstorm Communications International.