The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey



      Of the quotes I have been blessed to have collected over the years, these two have impact on this month’s column.  They come from two different eras but are pretty much on the same side of the same coin.  The first saying comes from one of my heroes, Booker T. Washington.  Here is his quote: “A whining, crying race may be pitied…but seldom respected.”

        Let me break this first saying down as it reflects upon our race in these last days.  While many of our young people are content with their ‘clicky-clicky’ devices; while many of our school and college-aged students remain content to be WOKE (Weirdly Obsessing Kooks and Evildoers) and are more interested in D.E.I. than in their own history; and while many of our adults remain blissfully ignorant of the basic issues of economics, good religion, and helping one another, I can hear the ‘whining’ of our race being stuck in 1966—that is, IF you believe much of what passes for ‘The Black Press’.  They further maintain that only Democrats can save us.

      Why do many of us whine about our progress and economic plight?  I would encourage the brave among us to ‘Google’ the term ‘Black Spending Power 2024’ for an eye-opening answer.  Under the question “Which race owns the most money?” One should NOT be shocked to find that White households still make up more than 65% of US households, and control/hold 80% of the wealth.  Black households make up more than 13% of US households and control/hold nearly 5% of the wealth.  In short, over the last twenty years, we have LOST economic ground, even though—the majority of the time—Democrats have been in charge of the political leavers of power at the national level.  This is taking place while more than 30 percent of us live in the suburbs.  In short, if you whine about your take home pay, the system where your children attend school, and your taxes—but continue to vote for people who are ‘Just Oppressing You (JOY)’, then, like the old folks used to say: “You gets what you get!”

      IF we won’t respect ourselves, love ourselves and support each other why is it a shock that illegal aliens swoop in—thanks to the Democrat party—and we have been pushed out into an economic blizzard of bad tidings for our people?

      Another of my favorite sayings comes from the TV series: “Hannah Montana”, where the main character uttered the following: “Help me, bail me out; Why do I gotta always learn something?”  The heroine of the series—like most teenagers—would rather be bailed out of difficult situations, rather than develop the mental brightness NOT to get into dire straits in the first place.

      Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?

      We, as a people, have forgotten our godly roots, biblical morality, economic power and historical achievements and have been ‘programmed’ into contentment via government handouts.  Funny thing about government handouts—they ONLY work when other people are working.  When you have MORE able-bodied people content NOT to work, and taking checks from the working classes, can you understand why we have a lot of young adults who are content to ‘job hop’ rather than develop themselves with good educational and career skills?

      Against these two sayings, there are two sins that continue to permeate the Black community.  The first sin involves those who DO NOT register and vote in EVERY election!  By NOT voting, more of us are NOT holding the political classes accountable, nor are we making them sweat about their jobs at election time.  Many of us have become ‘predictable’ at the polls.  In fact, let me bring this one up for consideration: In many urban areas, Democrats conned the churches into shutting down, while allowing the Liquor and Weed shops to stay open during the recent pandemic, THEN when the ‘all clear’ was sounded and many of us had ‘amnesia’ as to which political party were responsible when it came time to vote.

      The second sin is more sinister.  Many of us have not only become predictable in the political parties we support; we have become blinded to the fact that our political choices are responsible for our economic and social plight.  Yes, Romans, Chapter 13 (KJV) is very specific as to the responsibility of God’s people in supporting government leaders.  However, the scriptures also let us know that we are NOT to vote for them who are against God’s morality and standards in His Word.

      Voting is NOT to be taken for granted.  However, we as Black folk need to wake up to the fact that not every person of color is for us, nor is every Caucasian against us.  We have the technology to do our own research on those who are running for public office.  It’s high time this time around that we don’t allow ourselves to get suckered again.

      Mike Ramey is a Retired Minister, KJV Bible Teacher, syndicated columnist and Bible Prophecy Specialist who lives in Indianapolis, Indiana.  “The Quick Scan” is one of a variety of his columns appearing and abounding in print and cyberspace, written from a biblical, business, and common-sense perspective since 1996.  To drop him a line—or a whine—the address is still the same:  ©2024 Barnstorm Communications International.


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Rev. M. G. “Mike” Ramey (Retired) served as the Certified Modern Street Gangs Specialist & Media Consultant of “The Gang Line”. He had been interviewed in the U. S. and abroad on radio, television, and Internet about the dangers of Modern Street Gangs since 2007. His writings on Modern Street Gangs abound in print and online. Previously, he served as an award-winning broadcast journalist, producer, and TV/Radio talk show host. He has also served as a staff writer, section editor, and syndicated columnist. Ramey has won—or helped to win—some two dozen journalism awards and citations. He also holds a Police Citation for Citizen Bravery from the Indianapolis Police Department (1986). Ramey is also married, an Ordained Minister (Retired) and a KJV Bible Teacher.

Ramey is a Certified Modern Street Gangs Specialist with Certifications in Law Enforcement (2006), Non-Law Enforcement (2010), and Gangs & Cults Ministry (2017). He also has endorsements in K-12 Gang Issues and Transnational Gangs. He also carries Specialist Ratings in Cult/Occult Crime, and Transnational Human Trafficking. Ramey has also served with several International anti-gang ministries, including of Washington state (2004-2009), Thug Exposed Ministries of California (2010 to 2015) and Bishop Outreach Ministries of Florida (2010 to 2015).

In 2011 “The Gang Line” offered training and certification coursework for those interested in becoming certified Modern Street Gang Specialists: Training approaches the anti-gang ministry field through the combined use of spiritual (biblical principles/discipleship) and criminal (gang members and gang crime). From 2015-2017, Ramey served as an Advisory Board Member for the School of Criminal Justice at Harrison College, Indianapolis, Indiana, with a specialty of Organized Crime & Gangs. From 2017-2019, Ramey served as a Bible Teacher to at-risk detained juvenile offenders at the Marion County Juvenile Detention Center with his own Bible-based Curriculum centering upon Biblical Life Skills taught from the Book of Proverbs.

Rev. Ramey’s skill set includes having been a veteran substitute teacher (Secondary Education), a college instructor for two Bible colleges in the Indianapolis, Indiana area, a Probation Officer (Intensive/High Risk & School-Based) with the Marion County Juvenile Court, and a peer grant reviewer of anti-gang grant programs with the U.S. Department of Justice (2010). He also created, designed, and taught the course “Modern Street Gangs: Developing Urban Ministry Strategies—UM-190” at Crossroads Bible College, Indianapolis, Indiana (2009 & 2010). In 2013, Ramey served as a post-production Consultant for Chick Publications’ national anti-gang comic: “Black Angel”. It was translated into Spanish in 2014.

Ramey has written extensively on the topic of Modern Street Gangs with two Internet columns: “The Gang Line” and “The Gang Line Blogger” which abound in cyberspace. In a post-pandemic society, the motto of The Gang Line still rings true: “Spiritual Solutions for Spiritual Problems!”

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