
Today, veteran Black poltical activists Wallace "Gator" Bradley and Mark Allen accuse Illinois Senator Bill Brady of being non responsive to their overtues on behalf of few hundred Black community activists who said they would help expose Senator Brady and his campaign to Black voters who were upset and withdrawn their support of Governor Quinn and heard Brady on Black talk radio station WVON-AM that he wanted to reach out to Black voters in trying to earn their support. Bradley and Allen now report that after weeks of calls and e-mails to Brady and his campaign staffers they they have been non responsive. It seems like Senator Brady want to develop a Black agenda of his own and not one that comes from veteran Black activists. There was even one e-mail response that stated that Senator Brady took a photo with Wallace "Gator" Bradley and then instructed his staff not to release it for he had to be careful who he was seen in photo's with. No response from Brady campaign, and still no Black media of any kind has seen the photo of Brady and Bradley. Does Brady actually feel that he can gain no Black grassroots voters by being seen in a photo with Brady.

Does Brady not want to be associated with a veteran Black political activist like Mark Allen, a close associate to national leaders like Rev. Jesse L. Jackson Sr and the Rev. Al Sharpton, after Republican National Chairman Michael Steele was in New York at Sharpton's recent National Convention as telling Black voters from across the coiuntry how much The Republican Party and candidates wanted to engage Black grassroots voters. Does Brady not agree with Steele by his non response to two leaders who just came out from Sharpton's convention and now back in Illinois trying to hold the Illinois Republicans accountable to what their national Chairman just shared?

After Brady's appearance on WVON, the hosts Matt & Perri posted Facebook comments that they hoped that Brady was serious about his words about wanting to earn the Black community support and started other Facebook comments like, Will Brady actually open an office in the Black community with Black staff?; Will he actually hire key Black political consultants who know how to outreach to grassroots Black voters?; Will Brady invest in advertising with grassroots Black media?: Will Brady invest any campaign funds in Black financial institutions?; Will Brady support any of the public policy position that some feel were ignored by the Quinn Campaign?; Will Brady actuall eet directly with key Black grassroots organizations?; and more. But based upon these questions alone, Mark Allen began to reach out to Brady, his staff, and other Republcans on those mentioned issues, but as of today, no response from Brady or any of his staff.

So when Senatoir Brady makes his next appearance on WVON as promised to hosts Matt & Perri, exactly what kind of accomplishments is he going to report to the Black commmunity audience as to his outreach to the Black community if thus far, all that can be seen is the e-mail circulating that says he des not want to seen in a photo with Wallace "Gator" Bradley and is not responsive to the outreach to him by a veteran Black activist/journalist like Mark Allen and the Black agenda items taken from the callers to WVON after Brady's appearance.?

Well, Senator Brady had refused to offer his tax returns until after being publicly challenged to do so by Governor Quinn, well then maybe he'll finally respond to the grassroots Black agenda if he is publicly called out to do so, and after we let Michel Steele know that contrary to his promise to Black activiists in New York that Republicans wanted to engage with organzers and Black issues, that The Illinois Republicans are NON RESPONSIVE. !!

To the credit of Republican candidate Tony Peraica, he spoke with Mark Allen personally about the fact that candidates like Brady and Roger Keats, Republican candidate for Cook County Board President would be engaging the Black community and wanted to earn their support. I guess Brady isn't talking to Peraica either. Roger Keats did return calls from Mark Allen and said clearly that he was going to raise funds and would certainly make investments in the Black outreach, but the top of the ticket Brady is still non responsive. So maybe his next return to WVON will be full of symbolic outreach to Black voters as opposed to a grassroots Black agenda with clear specifics that was being presented by Bradley and Allen
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