Mark Allen, BLDI, BWS-C, Poor People's Campaign, Environmental activists, community organizers Joins Rev. Jesse Jackson, Sr and The National Rainbow /PUSH Coalition in continued public protest and boycott call of BP, at BP site at 12th & Wabash in Chicago
The People Must Not Pay The Bill For The BP Spill
FRIDAY, MAY 28th, 2010
Veteran Activist, Mark Allen, founder and president of The Black Leadership Development Institute, BLDI, and Board member of The Black Wall Street -Chicago Project, CBWS, The Poor People's Campaign, Sierra Club, other environmental activists and community organizers will join the Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, Sr, founder and President of The National Rainbow/PUSH Coalltion and Rainbow/PUSH members in a press conference and public demonstration in front of a British Petroleum (BP) gas station at 12th & Wabash in Chicago beginning at 4:00 PM, Friday, May 28th, 2010.
Allen, a former field director for Rainbow/PUSH iwill be back in the streets looking like the days of old with with Rev. Jackson, Rainbow/PUSH staff and members, complete with his Rainbow/PUSH "Boycott BP" signs and leading the demonstraters in chants like "Don't make us pay the bill for the BP spill." Allen joined Rev. Jackson in calling for citizens to step and protest the fact that BP is raising its gas prices on citizens to pay for the bill for BP, and to say that BP now stands for Bigger Protests, Better Protests, and Bolder Protests.
With reference to Bigger Protests, Allen said that he will be lending his leadership and mobilization help in organizing a bigger citizen protest against BP site at 12th & Wabash with Rev. Jackson for 4:00 PM on Friday, May 28th.
The Black Leadesrhip Development Institute, BLDI
Black Wall Street-Chicago
449 East 35th Street, 1st Floor
Chicago, Illinois 60616
312-624-8351 or direct 773-392-0165