Okay folks, you won't be seeing my face in this video, I am still in need of better lighting and a better camera. So you can enjoy listening to my beautiful voice for now.
I must admit that I am a news junkie. I love the news! I love learning new things and I love leaning about people from all over the world. When this article came up in my news feed, I wanted to share it with my YouTube audience.
As is normal for me, I like to take a moment to search for related articles and facts before I present the story to you. I also want to make sure that it is not just some story that is "fake news" and cannot be corroborated or substantiated. So I do a Google search on the articles I present.
This is an amazing story!
This particular article was quite interesting. Imagine, you ladies out there, having 38 children and starting at the young age of 13, your oldest child being 23. Even in the Monetary Capital of the World, the US, it is hard to fathom.
Some folks have difficulty even getting pregnant and have to use artificial means to make it happen. Some folks are happy with one or two, but 38..??
What I found most interesting was the different perspective from the different media outlets who reported on this story.
It seems to have been first posted in the the Uganda Daily Monitor where a reporter discovered this young woman and interviewed her.
It also appeared in OMGVoice out of Nigeria, Yahoo7 News-Australia, the Nigerian Monitor, and a blog post called The Earth Child
But little by little the details seem to take a tail spin and before long the story moves in several different directions that point to various controversies around child marriage, family relationships, paternal support, education, gynecology, maternal health, financial status and the amazing phenomenon of a woman who releases several eggs during ovulation.
It's a genetic rarity doctors say may have been passed down by her father who has produced 45 children with wives who have also had multiple births, yet the doctors said it would kill her to remove her uterus or give her a tubal ligation. Is this more cultural than medical perhaps?
Others report she had an abusive husband who beat her if she disagreed with him.
While on the other hand, the oldest child, a son says the children barely ever see their father, so… one wonders when the abuse occurred.
Others point out how she works hard to feed them all and never have they missed a meal.
So I will continue with a few excerpts from a few of the articles I found. Keep in mind that the original article from the Uganda Daily Monitor, is being quoted and in some cases embellished. That's why I think it's important to research a story for more insights and even perhaps get a little more info on the News Outlet and their reporters. Again the original report comes out of Uganda.
From the Uganda Daily Monitor: by By Godfrey Lugaaju
In Summary
- Mariam Nabatanzi. Although she planned to have only six children, by the time she had delivered thrice, she had accumulated 18 children and found out it wasn’t even up to her to stop when she wanted to stop.
"Nabatanzi has given up on the pleasures of life to happily take care of her 38 children’s needs."
"“I can comfortably tell you that our siblings do not know what father looks like. I last saw him when I was 13 years old and only briefly in the night because he rushed off again,” he says, adding that they do not know the happiness of living with a father and they only rely on their mother as their both mother and father."
Where's Oprah when you need her!!!
And from OMGVoice.com:
The woman lives in Kabimbiri village, Mukono District in Uganda.
She narrated her story to Uganda’s Daily Monitor and explained that she was married off to a 40-year-old man at age 12.
“I did not know I was being married off. People came home and brought things for my father. When time came for them to leave, I thought I was escorting my aunt but when I got there, she gave me away to the man.”
Further into the article:
She also explained how she feeds her children, stating:
“Everything is solely from my pocket; I buy 10kg of maize flour a day, four kilogrammes of sugar a day and three bars of soap. I need to have Shs100, 000 at the least on a daily basis to have the family catered for. God has been good to me for they have never gone a day without a meal.”
Mariam sells herbal medicines for a living, something she has been doing since she was a young girl. Sometimes she does casual jobs such as hair plaiting and styling brides.
From the Nigerian Monitor:
"In an interview with reporters who discovered her, Babirye said her own father had 45 children from different women and the children came in multiple births.
“My father gave birth to 45 children with different women and they all came in quintuplets, quadruplets, twins and triplets.”
However, medical experts say Babirye is suffering from a rare genetic disorder which makes her pregnant very easily.
Dr. Charles Kiggundu, a gynecologist at Mulago Hospital confirms that she may have taken after her father as her case may be genetic.
“Her case is a genetic predisposition to hyper-ovulate, that is releasing multiple eggs in one cycle, which significantly increases the chance of having multiples,” Dr. Kiggundu said.
Babirye said she was married off at an early age and she gave birth for the first time at the age of 13 to a set of twins. She said she sought medical advice several times in a bid to stop having children but doctors advised her that since she produces so many eggs, it would be dangerous to her health.
However, Dr. Kiggundu said Babirye was not well advised because doctors could easily have performed a tubal ligation as a permanent method of contraception."
We continue with excerpts from Yahoo7 News out of Australia
“My husband was polygamous with many children from his past relationships who I had to take care of because their mothers were scattered all over. He was also violent and would beat me at any opportunity he got even when I suggested an idea that he didn’t like,” she recalled to the publication.
In 1994, only a year into her marriage and aged 13 she gave birth to twins.
Two years later, she gave birth to triplets and a year and seven months after that added a set of quadruplets.
By her sixth delivery the mother had 18 children and wanted to stop.
Nabatanzi was told by a doctor that she had an usually high ovary count.
Right under that is this picture. Hmmmmm.
Further in this report:
Despite all the challenges she has suffered in her short life the mother of 38 is optimistic about seeing her children through school and making sure they are all educated properly.
“I am hopeful that my children will go to school because they all have big ambitions of being doctors, teachers and lawyers; I want them to realise these dreams, something I was not able to do.”
Newsbreak – April 28 Yahoo7 News Break
And then we get this right under this lady wanting her children to go to school but yeah…. You may want to rethink that. Yahoo7 News-School Bomb Hoax-Be Afraid, be very Afraid.
"Being a child herself she told how she found married life at such a young age difficult.
“My husband was polygamous with many children from his past relationships who I had to take care of because their mothers were scattered all over. He was also violent and would beat me at any opportunity he got even when I suggested an idea that he didn’t like,” she recalled to the publication.
In 1994, only a year into her marriage and aged 13 she gave birth to twins.
Two years later, she gave birth to triplets and a year and seven months after that added a set of quadruplets."
From YabaLeft Online:
"Moreover, Mariam has a non-supportive husband who is rarely there for her and her children. Her eldest son, Charles Musisi, 23, confirmed: “Our siblings do not know what father looks like. I last saw him when I was 13 years old and only briefly at night because he rushed off again.”
As a parting shot, Mariam advised parents to never sell their children off to early marriage and men to look after their wives and children."
In another section of the article we get this:
Dr Charles Kiggundu, a gynecologist at Mulago Hospital confirms that Mariam may have taken after her father, as her case may be genetic.
He said: “Her case is genetic predisposition to hyper-ovulate (releasing multiple eggs in one cycle), which significantly increases the chance of having multiples.”
AD: 2 powerful ways to satisfy any woman in bed and last up 25 mins — See Here
AD: 2 powerful ways to satisfy any woman in bed and last up 25 mins — See Here
Mariam said she was married off at an early age and she gave birth for the first time at the age of 13 to twins.
She said she sought medical advice several times in a bid to stop having children but doctors advised her that since she produces so many eggs, it would be dangerous to her health.
Does this story aligns with the Duggars?
Does her story belong in the Guiness Book of Records, perhaps?
Meet 37-Year-Old Woman Who Has Given Birth To 38 Children |