urban (2)

washingtons_sm.jpgBlack Conservative Leader Stacy Washington Was Called Out by Post Columnist for Saying Americans Should Be Outraged by Demeaning Statements Made By Musicians and Others, Not Just Politicians

Washington Calls on All Americans to Push Society in "A Just and Honorable Direction"

St. Louis, MO /Washington, D.C. - Stacy WashingtonUrban Talk Radio host and a national spokesman for the black leadership group Project 21, has issued this response to a Washington Post article attacking Washington's con

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3828579561?profile=originalFrom The Ramparts | By Junious Ricardo Stanton | "LANSING  In January of 2015, when state officials were telling worried Flint residents their water was safe to drink, they also were arranging for coolers of purified water in Flint's State Office Building so employees wouldn't have to drink from the taps, according to state government e-mails released Thursday by the liberal group Progress Michigan. A Jan. 7, 2015, notice from the state Department of Technology, Management and Budget, which over

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