rita (2)


After she just released her first EP "Fancy Love" produced by geniuscorp
last september, she moved on with her first music video for this
masterwork. Attitude, sweetness, sexy, angry, her Paris vibe crushed any
regular hit girl on the rise.

Hold your breath and dive into her deep purple ocean, watch her music
video here:

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Rita Klara's lush and soulful vocals are super smooth and flow effortlessly on dreamy and groovy R&B productions. Her rap is as smooth and delicate as her singing. 
The 23 years old singer/songwritter grew in Bordeaux, capital of French wine, with her mother and little brother. Family issues led them to move to Washington D.C. with her grandmother for two years, bringing bilingual culture to her childhood.
Passionate about dancing and singing, entering a gospel chorale in an African church back i

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