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Michael Vick - From Vick-tim to Vick-tory

September 15, 2011  
by Raynard Jackson


Last December, I wrote a column titled, “Michael Vick--From Vick-tim to Vick-tory.”  The premise of that piece was that Vick made poor decisions which ultimately caused him to serve time in a federal prison.  After leaving prison, his lifestyle suggested that he had truly turned his life around.  This again involved Vick making decisions that impacted his life.  So, almost a year later, I wanted to write a piece to update my readers on this wonderful story

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Disaster and the ‘Free Press’

John Maxwell: The British did not invent hypocrisy, they simply manage it better than anyone else. Americans, Israelis and Jamaicans appear to believe that euphemism and a tortured sort of ersatz gentility are adequate. Pity. Real hypocrisy should be attempted only by certified experts. And having toiled in a BBC newsroom for five years as a copytaster, I must be presumed to know whereof I pontify. The Director General of the BBC was last week caught out in an act of the most flagrant (and frag
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