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Family, I'm in tears as I type these few lines. My co-worker recently lost her mother who was only 54 years old. She died of cancer in October 2008. My co-worker and friend is currently reading Somebody Prayed for Me, and she just called me in tears after reading the story "One Moment With You" and the poem "Always In My Heart." These are pieces dedicated to the memory of my maternal grandmother who raised me, nurtured me, loved me, and taught me about being a strong woman. She died at the age o
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Nothing says WINNER like a FREE MP3 Player!

Want to curl up with a good book and register to win a FREE MP3 player?It's EASY! Purchase your copy of the inspirationally uplifting anthology, Somebody Prayed for Me, and email proof of purchase to somebodyprayed4me@yahoo.com. You will then be registered for our March 15, 2009 drawing!Many will enter but only ONE can win.To find out how you can purchase your copy of Somebody Prayed for Me, visit the website at www.SomebodyPrayed4me.webs.com.Be INSPIRED and register to WIN a FREE MP3 Player tod
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