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Remembering Gil Noble

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

GIL NOBLE of Like It Is Joins the Ancestors

                                          Gil Noble of Like It Is, Pioneering Black Journalist

The first time I saw Gil Noble I was a kid fresh out of college, having recently graduated from Lincoln University in Pennsylvania. He was among the first African American TV reporters, and I thought then, as I do now, wow, that he was so very handsome, he should have been a male model (I later found out that h
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Pray For Gil Noble As He Battles From Stroke

By Milton Allimadi



Gil Noble; a rare and wonderful light on earth

[Tribute To A Legend]

My dear brother and friend, Gil Noble, renowned journalist and long-time host of "Like It Is" suffered a stroke last week, people in contact with his family inform me.

Several people in close contact with the family say brother Gil Noble is hospitalized. Some people in contact with the family say his condition is serious enough that
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