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3828587921?profile=originalHundreds of Leaders to Gather in Accra for Inaugural Africa Summit on Women and Girls in Technology, 13-14 September, 2016

● African policymakers and technology leaders - including some of the continent’s most prominent women -  will meet to determine the policy steps needed to close Africa’s growing digital gender gap, which is the largest in the world

● High-level panels and lightning talks will focus on issues around affordable broadband, digital skills and entrepreneurship, and women’s rights

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Philip Emeagwali: Oil has made us billions and fuelled our economic stability, but oil has also become the bane of our existence. For some, it is a curse that has caused poverty and corruption, but for others it is an essential source of untold wealth and power. But as the gap between rich and poor countries continues to expand, it is clear that intellectual capital and technology rule the world, and that natural resources such as oil, gold, and diamonds are no longer the primary determinants o
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