guadeloupe (3)

20150720210115ENPRN238467-speech-of-Jesse-Jackson-90-1437426075MR.jpg?1437445767During his five-day visit to the French Caribbean archipelago of Guadeloupe, American Civil rights leader and Baptist minister, Reverend Jesse Jackson, toured the "MEMORIAL ACTe," the world's largest museum dedicated to the Memory and History of Slavery from the early seventeenth century to present day.

20150720210120ENPRN238468-Jessie-Jackson-touring-the-Memorial-ACTe-90-1437426080MR.jpg?1437445965Already called the "POMPIDOU CENTER" or the "MuCEM" of the Caribbean for its impressive architecture and interactive content, Rev. Jackson's visit to the Memorial ACTe, comes just two months afte

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Comment l'esclave peut-il s'affranchir de l'odeur du Maître et de la peur viscérale qui ronge ses entrailles sachant que cette peur est transmise aux générations futures par l'éducation de l'asservissement et de la soumission ? Cette terreur est maintenue par le Maître et léguée à une idéologie coloniale qui sévit encore aujourd'hui. Il est important de savoir comment le culte de la terreur a été pensé et entretenu depuis l'esclavage à nos jours. Durant l'esclavage, les esclaves rebelles étaien
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How can the slave frees himself from the smell of the Master and from the visceral fear which eats his intestines knowing that this fear is passed to the future generations by the education of the subjection and the submission? This terror is maintained by the Master and bequeathed to a colonial ideology which rages even today. It's important to know how the cult of the terror was thought and maintained since the slavery in our days. During the slavery the runaway slaves were tortured, mutilate
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