eu (2)


AHEC Is Positioned For Explosive Growth!


Allen Hydro Energy Corporation (AHEC) has begun a program to seek strategic accredited corporate partners for its capital formation agenda.  AHEC will construct, test and validate  a 7 foot scale model of its 70 Story Hydroelectric Generating Building and technology. Solar Panels were added to the technology to power rechargeable batteries that will supply energy to operate the larger hydro pumps that return the used water back to the large water storage tank.



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Join the Campaign! Sign the Petition Below! Send To all your Friends 5000 signatures needed! CAN WE DO IT? It is now official that the EPA will not be signed this month but will be signed at the end of August. We therefore have thirty extra days to get 5000 signatures. This petition joins France, the Chair of the EU, believe it or not, who commissioned a report revealing that the Caribbean is being taken for a ride. We have THIRTY more days to get 5000 signatures. Don’t vacillate. Show tha
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