debate (4)

The Quick Scan by Mike Ramey




     All The Advisors

     And All The Spin

     Couldn’t Rescue Biden

     From Himself, Agin’


     The Biden Presidency has officially ‘jumped the shark’ after ONE debate.  Sadly, Black Democrats who hitched their wagon to the ‘Biden/Haris’ ticket are going to be looking very glum for the Fourth of July holiday, as their top of the ticket pretty much left the Black community in the cold as thousands of Illegal Aliens rush in to take our jobs and ‘pork up’ on bennies, rangin

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Should%2BTrump%2BBe%2BPresident.png?width=320Should Donald Trump be the Next US President? Ask a Psychic.

In this video, I review some of the questions that I asked of the I Ching concerning Donald Trump; having him as President and what his presidency would mean to the US and to the world.
You can view these questions in my blog and for those of you who are interested, try it out for yourself and see what responses you receive from the I Ching.  Thanks for watching!  Source

Date: October 2, 2016
Name: Donald J. Trump
Question Hex. # Lines into He
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My Photo
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SUNDAY, MAY 16, 2010
Catch Perspective TV Show twice today @ 11:30 and again at noon on My50 Chicago. Are teen girls out of control? Does Chicago need the national guard to stop crime? Hear from Girls advocate Necole Muhammad and activists Mark S. Allen, CeaseFire's Tio Hardiman and ex-gang member Tim White.
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