
One Child at A time

Seeking Changes in the irrational and illogical Juvenile sentencing laws, 
we developed the One Child at a Time Network.
One Child will highlight, Advocate and Campaign for the end of life without Parole for all Juvenile Defendants, seek the abolishment of Juveniles tried in Adult Court rooms and fight for recognition of the benefits of Rehabilative methods rather than Retributive.

@ One Child At A Time 

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Abuse of Youth

In the age of Politically corect you would imagine a child would be one of the most protected of our most vulnerable members of Society.
Organisations have grown in strength protecting the abused, the neglected and the at risk, how is it then a child has escaped the radar of such organisations for far too long?

Davontae Sanford was 14 yrs old the night a hitman engaged in his next contract killing, just streets away from his home.


In the midst of a murder enquiry, the intensity that was surro

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