This edition is the first of four; which will be posted each Sunday from now until March 01, 2009. the participation is open to all who blog. we have 15+ categories to accommodate almost every subject. Please Feel Free to Submit A Blog to be included in our Black History Month Blog Carnival.You never know how much you missed if you don't take a peek. some of our bloggers are the top of the top on the Internet. We are very happy with the turnout, and are looking forward to increasing it next week.
Now On To The Fabulous Blogs -
Arts and Artists
Trenchtones.com presents Oaktowns Pimp Hand is Stronger than the Hughes Bros. posted at Today At BadGalsRadio, saying, "the Hughes Bros. are given a firm NO from Oakland Ca. for their proposal to film the next HBO - American Pimp Series."Entertainment
Reality presents Hits on a Deadman; is that an Oxymoron ? posted at recycledfrockery.Recycled Frockery presents Today We Got an Ebony Angel - RIP Eartha Kitt - posted at recycledfrockery.RE Ausetkmt presents Organs Headlines Amsterdam Bob Marley Fest 09 | BadGalsRadio - RootsRock since 99' posted at BadGalsRadio Daily Blog, saying, "Errol "Organs" Anderson will fire up Amsterdam with the Sounds of Roots Rock Reggae, on Bob Marley Day 09'. Organs is represented by Trenchtones.com and Musical Ambassador Records. two urban niche companies based in america, promoting Black Music Globally on Radio and Stage."Yaya Lutalo presents Music is supposed to entertain you right ? Sing Jazmine Baby Sing posted at Today At BadGalsRadio, saying, "this is a vid comparison of Jazmine Sullivan compared to Lady Gaga from you tube"Family
RE Ausetkmt presents Have You Really Met My Friend Michelle ? posted at Today At BadGalsRadio, saying, "Bio Video and Post about Michelle Obama, America's First Lady."Griots
Politicus presents Black History – My White Experience posted at Politicus.US.Mar Matthias Darin presents A white man's view of black history posted at The Matthias Chronicles.Heroes and Heroines
Patricia Turner presents What’s the Mark of a True Leader? posted at Top Online Engineering Degree.RE Ausetkmt presents Y'all betta learn, Michelle and the Girls are THE OBAMA WOMEN | BadGalsRadio - RootsRock since 99' posted at BadGalsRadio Daily Blog.History
Elizabeth Kerri Mahon presents Dusky Sally: The Controversy over Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings posted at Scandalous Women.angryrantgirl presents Dear Blue States posted at Ilyena_Sylph, saying, "This article is possibly the worst article I have ever read in my life. There's so much white privilege at work here that I have no words. Most telling are that the "authors" actually believe that they are the keepers of the heritage of the Civil Rights Movement, which is funny, since they are two white southern women."Elizabeth Kerri Mahon presents Scandalous Women: Scandalous Book Review: Mrs. Lincoln and Mrs. Keckly posted at Scandalous Women.RE Ausetkmt presents Do You Remember Your History ? | BadGalsRadio - RootsRock since 99' posted at BadGalsRadio Daily Blog, saying, "Do You Remember Your History ? this is all about the Black History Month Blog Carnival 09'."Inventors and Inventions
Yaya Lutalo presents Can You Tell Me, Who Invented the Remote Control ? posted at Today At BadGalsRadio, saying, "A Black Inventors Video"Landmark events
Lidian presents The Virtual Dime Museum: Madam C.J. Walker posted at The Virtual Dime Museum.Cathy Palm presents Lisette Denison (Forth) of Michigan posted at Detour Through History, saying, "Lisette - First Black Landowner in America?"RE Ausetkmt presents At Last.. | BadGalsRadio - RootsRock since 99' posted at BadGalsRadio Daily Blog, saying, "Barack Obama is sworn in as the 44th President of the USA. this post explores the feeling of the event and the day from bloggers who are friends of BadGalsRadio."Reality Auset presents Welcome to the 09 MLK Remember The Dream Blog Carnival | BadGalsRadio - RootsRock since 99' posted at BadGalsRadio Daily Blog, saying, "This is the First Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 09' Remember The Dream Blog Carnival. a piece of Internet and Black History in one."Literature
Audra presents Xenogenesis - Octavia Butler posted at True Science Fiction, saying, "Octavia Butler was one of the few black women to be successful as a science fiction writer, and Xenogenesis features a strong black female lead character."Politics
BadGals Today presents Why Are the KKK Using President Obama as a Recruiting Tool ? posted at Today At BadGalsRadio, saying, "Video political examination of the KKK and Racism under President Barack Obama"Spirituality
RE Ausetkmt presents Praises! The Obamas Attend Church at 19th St. Baptist in DC | BadGalsRadio - RootsRock since 99' posted at BadGalsRadio Daily Blog, saying, "The First Family begins life in DC on the Spiritual Foot by attending church at the historic 19th St Baptist Church, with their security detail in tow. it was a wonderful show of spirituality and a warm welcome for the first family from the congregation."Sports Stars
Tim Neale presents Lewis Reaps the Rewards posted at Stevenage SG1.The Future
Recycler presents How to Keep the Dream Alive - RECYCLE IT ! posted at recycledfrockery, saying, "the past is the future.."Tragedies
RE Ausetkmt presents Detroit attracts flies like a pile of.. Shut Yo Mouff ! | BadGalsRadio - RootsRock since 99' posted at BadGalsRadio Daily Blog, saying, "Detroit is in the midst of a crisis which seems to have colored the politics of the city Black."Mama ASID presents America Why do we have two nations ? | BadGalsRadio - RootsRock since 99' posted at BadGalsRadio Daily Blog, saying, "Will America Self Destruct from it's Internal Racist Pressure ?"youtube
BadGalsToday presents US President To Face Down Monster Attack, Own Demons In Action-Packed Schedule posted at Today At BadGalsRadio, saying, "this is a parody and comedy"We'd Like to Say THANKS To Each Blogger and Reader; because it's all For You. Remember Black History Is OUR American History.That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of 09' black history month blog carnival using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.Technorati tags: 09' black history month blog carnival, blog carnival.